Hypocrisy Quotes: friends, love [In the head of joker] 🃏

In JOKER’s head: human hypocrisy 🎭

The Joker has a very cynical and contemptuous view of human hypocrisy. Here are some key aspects of his thinking on this subject:

  • He considers humanity to be hypocrites, hiding behind virtuous facades while everyone has a dark and depraved side buried within them.
  • He believes that society, institutions and moral codes are just illusions and lies to contain people’s true selfish and violent impulses.
  • According to him, it is enough to scratch a little of the civilized surface of individuals to reveal their true corrupt and merciless nature.
  • He enjoys pushing people to their limits to expose their hypocrisy, forcing them to abandon their moral principles.
  • His senseless crimes aim to destroy social conventions that he sees as institutionalized hypocrisy.
  • He takes perverse pleasure in confronting people with their own duplicity, publicly humiliating them when they fail to live up to their advocated ideals.

In short, the Joker deeply despises the hypocrisy he sees everywhere around him. His misdeeds aim to unmask and highlight the contrast between the virtuous image that people give themselves and their true dark and selfish instincts, according to him.

Hypocrisy Quotes: false friends – false love, false relationship, false feelings, false smile, false value, 
 about false people [In the head of JOKER] 🃏

Hypocrisy Quotes:false friends - false Love, false relationship, false feelings, false smile, false value, ... on false people [In the head of JOKER]
Quote on hypocrisy: Joker’s thoughts
“Those sweet words of love that you whisper to each other
 Before long, they will turn into words of hatred when the passion has died down!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
“Unite your flesh in the most passionate embrace, one-night stand-ups, tomorrow you will turn away from each other as if nothing had happened!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
“Watch these love birds mating! In just a few months, their nest will have been transformed into a field of ruins battered by selfishness and resentment!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
“Your hand on the shoulder of a supposed friend today, tomorrow you would raise it without hesitation to shoot him like a dog if he threatened your little privileges!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
“Friends? Are you kidding! How many of you have ever stabbed the person you called your ‘best friend’ in the back just for the sake of it?”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
“Let us toast our unfailing friendship, my friends! Nothing but a handful of gold would allow you to fight without a shadow of remorse.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance. Joker.
The Joker is particularly acerbic and grating when he denounces what he considers to be the hypocrisy of romantic feelings.
The Joker is particularly acerbic and grating when he denounces what he considers to be the hypocrisy of romantic feelings. For him, love is only a short-lived lure, destined to be consumed in indifference, betrayal or violence at the first annoyance.
“You cling desperately to your codes of bourgeois morality like shipwrecked people to a buoy, and you lie to yourself in order to keep breathing.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Those outward smiles, those stiff good manners
 It’s laughable! Behind each of your looks hides a bloodthirsty predator ready to do anything for its own survival.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Love? Friendship? Beautiful labels to mask your deep indifference towards each other. You are nothing but a herd of selfish hypocrites!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Your oaths of eternal loyalty are as much laughing as your ridiculous promises of sincerity. Everyone is ready to deny father and mother as long as it suits them.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“You parade around with your cutesy feelings on display, but when terror strikes, these tender emotions, so celebrated, burn away faster than candied cherries.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“You preach forgiveness and compassion, but deep down you are just a dirty bunch of vindictive hypocrites, thirsty for revenge!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
If you are cruel, ten love you, and if you are kind, a thousand will hurt you.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
It’s bullshit to believe that those who are absent still love you.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
With all my desire, I don’t want to mean anything to anyone.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
Any loss where you gained your self-esteem is not called a loss.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
I don’t look back, everything I’ve experienced out of conviction, its noise doesn’t destabilize me.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
My advice, don’t let anyone know you.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
Maybe there are people who can’t sleep because of a lost word.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
Despite the trust you give to others, keep your secrets to yourself.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
The wounds of loved ones hurt a lot, because they come from a short distance.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
Have no pity on the one who knocked you down on purpose.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
You will survive, but you will never be the same as before.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
The worst war is the war you declare on yourself.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
With a grating nihilism, the Joker completely calls into question the sincerity and sustainability of the bonds of friendship
With a grating nihilism, the Joker completely calls into question the sincerity and durability of the bonds of friendship. For him, the slightest annoyance or interest is enough to bring out the treachery that lies dormant in everyone.
Don’t leave this message – I miss you – You’re making a fool of yourself again.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
Who will understand your inner disorder, when you smile all the time.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
I’m the bad guy and I accept it, and you, angels? god bless you
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
When the interests are over, some friends are gone!!
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
You accept it, or you pretend, or you leave, that’s the summary of life!
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
When I act stupid, be sure I understand you well.
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“This so-called civilized society with its codes and rules? A vast masquerade, a vulgar hoax! Scratch a little, and you will see the primitive impulses that you hide so poorly resurface.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Love? This convenience that you sell yourself so well! How many of you really remain faithful when the lure of gain or desire presents itself?”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“You make me nauseous with your syrupy oaths of eternal love. The slightest annoyance, and indifference, even betrayal, resurfaces!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“These beautiful values ​​that you proudly display? Lies, lies, lies! A little thing is enough for humans to return to being the bloodthirsty beast they have always been.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Your much-vaunted family ties? A poor comedy where everyone lies to themselves and to others. You would betray your father and mother for a handful of tickets!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Brotherly love, sincere friendship
 All these beautiful words are just smoke and mirrors to hide your deep indifference towards each other.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.

With a grating cynicism, the Joker completely calls into question the sincerity and sustainability of family ties. For him, filial or fraternal love is only a hypocritical display, destined to be betrayed by the selfishness of each person as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

“These smiles you adorn yourself with are only fake grimaces to mask your deep inner ugliness!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Your beautiful values ​​of compassion and kindness? They melt like snow in the sun as soon as your selfishness is threatened!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Hypocrites! You preach forgiveness and humility, but your hearts are as black as mine, eaten away by pride and lust.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Let’s unite around family values! What better prank than these beautiful words while you behave like wolves to tear each other apart!”“Your so-called morality is nothing but a cheap illusion! Remove this mask of virtue, and you are nothing but violence and baseness!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Let’s unite around family values! What better prank than these beautiful words while you behave like wolves to tear each other apart!”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.
“Your sacrosanct family is nothing but a collection of lies and betrayals. The first person would come before your own children if your interests were threatened.”
La persévérance citations originalesPerseverance.

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