Why can a man leave you overnight even if everything was going well in the relationship? You have surely already experienced this situation: you meet a man you like, you spend good times together, you think it’s the beginning of a beautiful story… and then, without warning, he disappears from your life.
He no longer responds to your messages, he avoids your calls, he makes up excuses… In short, he dumps you like an old sock. How to explain this behavior? What makes a man run away from a woman he likes? How to react? And if he comes back: why run away to come back? In this article, you will discover the healthy and unhealthy reasons for these ”Bizarre” behaviors!
A man does not react in the same way as a woman in a romantic relationship.

First of all, it is important to know that a man does not react in the same way as a woman when he meets someone. Generally, a man is in an emotional state and wants to conquer the woman he likes. He will court her, give her compliments, offer her gifts, show interest… He will present himself in the best light to seduce her.
👉 But once he has achieved his goal, that is to say, he has slept with her or he has entered into a relationship with her, he starts to question the relationship.
He wonders if she is really the right person for him, if he is ready to commit, if he doesn’t feel like looking elsewhere… He will then change his attitude and become more distant, colder, more indifferent. He will seek to step back and analyze his feelings.
The fear of commitment and intimacy is often the driving force behind male escapades. Unable to truly open up, these men prefer to disappear rather than confront their own anxieties.
Psychotherapist specializing in romantic relationships
Why does a man run away from a woman?
This change can occur at different times in the relationship. Some men will quickly get bored after sleeping with the woman, others will wait a few weeks or months before questioning their couple. It all depends on the man’s personality and what he is looking for. Some men need to put their partner on a pedestal, while others prefer the challenge.
Some men are looking for a stable and lasting relationship, while others just want fun and adventure. Some men are honest and respectful, while others are manipulative and liars.
It is therefore important to understand when the change occurred in the relationship and why. To do this, we need to analyze the reasons that can cause a man to flee a woman he likes. Here are the main ones: 👇
4 reasons that can cause a man to run away brutally from a woman he likes and how to act?
1) Manipulating
Some men can manipulate and play with women’s emotions to get what they want. They will make them believe that they are in love, that they want a serious relationship, that they are faithful… when in reality, they are only trying to take advantage of them. They will seduce them, make them fall in love and then abandon them without scruples.
They are immature, selfish and narcissistic men who have no respect for women. They are not able to bond or engage. They are afraid of privacy and responsibility. They need to feel superior and control others.
If you come across this type of man, run! Do not waste your time or energy on him. It will not change and it will not make you happy. It is not worth it.
2) Fear of telling the truth
Some men have trouble communicating their feelings and prefer to cut everything out rather than face the truth. They will run away from a woman who pleases them because they realize that they are not in love with her, that they do not want to commit themselves to her, that they want to see elsewhere… But instead of telling him clearly what they feel, they will avoid it and ignore it. They will hope that she understands the message and takes the initiative to break up.
They are cowards, who do not accept their choices and do not respect the woman’s feelings. They are afraid of conflict, rejection, guilt. They are not honest with themselves or others.
Don’t harass him! Don’t send him dozens of messages, call him constantly, beg him to come back. Respect his silence and decision. He is not worthy of your attention or love. He is not for you.
3) The lack of availability
Some men may not be emotionally available or have other priorities in their lives. They will run away from a woman they like because they are not willing to invest in a relationship, they have personal or professional problems to solve, they already have another relationship…
They will find that they cannot provide what she expects of them, that they cannot make her happy, that they cannot fulfill their role as partners. They will then distance themselves and focus on themselves or other aspects of their lives.
They are men who need time, space and freedom. They are afraid of commitment, of losing their independence, of neglecting their projects. They are not willing to compromise or share their lives.
Don’t force him! Don’t put pressure on him, don’t blame him, don’t ask him to change. Accept his situation and rhythm. It may need to mature, settle down, free itself. It may come back to you when it is ready. Or maybe not.
4) Physical attraction
The man may be attracted by the physical connection with the woman, but that does not mean he is seeking a serious relationship. He will run away from a woman who likes him because he has no feelings for her, that he does not want to get emotionally involved with her, that he does not have the same expectations as she.
He will realize that there is no chemistry between them, that they have nothing in common, that they are not compatible. He then seeks to have fun with other women, to vary experiences, to enjoy his life.
These are men who need to seduce, please, feel desired. They are afraid of being bored, tired, and locked in. They are not ready to settle down or retain.
If you come across this kind of man, don’t hang on! Don’t make him think you want the same thing he wants, don’t give him everything he wants, don’t get attached too fast. Keep your distance and dignity. He is not interested in you or your personality. He is only attracted to your body.
The man who flees and returns: a complex dance between fear, hope and manipulation. There are two situations:
They had sworn never to leave each other again. But life has decided otherwise for this man, caught in an emotional whirlwind from which he is struggling to escape. One day he is there, present and caring. The next day he has disappeared, leaving behind a void that makes the hearts of those he loves bleed.
1) The first situation: serious man suddenly flee?
Often, fear is the engine of these sudden leaks. Fear of commitment, fear of the unknown, fear of not being up to it… These men have developed defensive mechanisms to protect themselves from a reality that they find too difficult to face. Some have experienced trauma in the past that still haunts them today. Others simply feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations of those around them.
The man who returns, a delicate test
When they return, these men face a daunting challenge: regaining the trust of those they have hurt. It is not a small matter because the scars are still vivid. Their loved ones are swinging between relief and bitterness, torn between the desire to welcome them with open arms and the fear of being abandoned again.
Act with compassion
This is where understanding and compassion come into their own. Rather than judging them, let’s listen to their fears and doubts. We must support them in this process of reparation, offering them a benevolent framework where they can rebuild smoothly. Together, we can forge new, stronger and more resilient bonds in the face of life’s vagaries.
Because beyond appearances, these men who flee and return seek only one thing: to find their place and be loved for what they are, with their strengths and their weaknesses. It is up to us to reach out to them, with patience and empathy, to help them overcome their inner demons.
2) The second situation: when the leak is only a tool of manipulation
The leak is only a tool of manipulation in the hands of narcissistic. Their promises of change are empty words, intended to maintain their hold.”
Psychologist specialized in toxic relationships
They come back with a smile on their face, promising mountains and wonders. But behind this contrition mask is often a manipulative and narcissistic man, whose sudden departures and smashing returns are just a perverse game to keep control.
To escape, a strategy to dominate
Far from being motivated by fear or fragility, these leaks are in reality a means of pressure and emotional blackmail. By disappearing in this way, the narcissistic man seeks to arouse anxiety, even guilt, among his relatives. What is his purpose? Keep them in a position of dependence, where they will be more likely to comply with its requirements to avoid further separation.
When the return is only a lure
When he deigns to return, it is to better establish his grip. It is not seeking to repair the damage done, but to regain a position of strength. His promises of change are only empty words, intended to appease his entourage and keep him under his control.
Act with firmness and discernment
In the face of these toxic behaviors, compassion has its limits. It is time to end this perverse game and break the cycle of control. Rather than succumbing to emotional blackmail, let us be firm and discerning. Set clear and consistent boundaries, and don’t hesitate to surround ourselves with resource people to guide us.
Because only a frank and definitive break will allow these manipulative men to confront their demons. Perhaps then, and only then, they can begin a real work on themselves. But it is not for us to save them in spite of them. Our priority is to preserve our own integrity and balance, even if we must let them go for good.
Conclusion :
Well, I hope this article has shed some light on why a man might run away from a woman he likes. Of course, there are other possible reasons, but these are the most common and common.
The most important thing is to keep confidence in yourself and love. Don’t let a man make you doubt your value or potential. You deserve someone who really loves you and shows you that every day. Don’t lose hope! Love always comes!
Read also: Silence of a man in love: the healthy/unhealthy reasons