Poem about life: “The quest for happiness”

Poem about life “The quest for happiness: Search outside or find within yourself” is a poignant message about the quest for happiness. The narrator expresses his frustration with the difficulties he encounters on the path and his search ceaseless from a place of peace and serenity. 🙏

_ The quest for happiness is something we all seek, but how do we find it? Is it possible to find it outside of ourselves, or must we look for it within? The poem “The Quest for Happiness: Looking Outside or Finding Within Yourself?” explores this complex question.🤔

Text short poem about life and the search for happiness: “search outside or find within yourself”

Poem about life and happiness: “the quest for happiness” outside or find within yourself, to discover yourself
I always wait to find happiness, 
But the path is long, full of pain, 
Sometimes I feel like I'm walking backwards, 
And moving even further away from the light.

I'm looking for peace, I'm looking for love, 
I'm looking for a place where I always feel, 
A place of calm, serenity and beauty, 
Where I could finally rest.

But all I find are trials, 
Obstacles and disappointments that move me, 
People who betray me and make me suffer, 
And dreams that fly away without ever being fulfilled.

I am tired of this eternal quest, 
Which constantly leaves me on the edge of the trash, 
I am tired of looking for meaning in my life, 
And of believing in tomorrows filled with magic.

I sometimes wonder if happiness exists, 
Or if it's just an illusion that resists us, 
Perhaps I am condemned to wander, 
In a world where sadness never ceases to reign.

So, I continue my solitary walk, 
Hoping to one day find the light, 
But I fear that this will only be a mirage, 
And that my life will only be an eternal shipwreck.

Nourredine. Poem_Perseverance

Video poem on life and happiness (English subtitle): “search outside or find within yourself”

the poem encourages finding beauty in every moment and appreciating the little things in life. Happiness is not only found in exceptional moments, but also in the simple moments of everyday life.

Explanation of the poem: “Search outside or find within yourself”

The poem “The Quest for Happiness: Looking Outside or Finding Within” is a reflection on the nature of happiness and how to find it. The narrator expresses his desire to find happiness and his frustration with the difficulties he encounters along the way. He describes the difficult path he took, filled with obstacles and disappointments, and which seemed to take him further away from the light.😞

To find happiness, do you have to look for it?

The narrator realizes that his search for happiness may be doomed to failure if he continues to look outside himself. He realizes that happiness can only be found within himself and that it is by changing his perspective that he can find the serenity he is looking for.

Seek happiness within

Rather, the poem encourages us to change our perspective and look for happiness within ourselves. Happiness is something personal and subjective. Everyone has their own definition of happiness and their own ways of achieving it.

Take control of your life

The poem also highlights the importance of personal responsibility in the pursuit of happiness. The narrator realizes that it is up to him alone to find happiness and that no one else can do it for him. He must take control of his life and his choices to achieve happiness.

Happiness is found in the simple moments of life

The fourth paragraph also talks about the need to find beauty in every moment and appreciate the little things in life. Happiness is not only found in exceptional moments, but also in the simple moments of everyday life. By paying attention to these moments, the narrator can find happiness in the most unexpected things.

Happiness is within us 🥰

Finally, the poem about life and happiness ends on a positive note by stating that happiness is within us. The narrator realizes that to find happiness, he must learn to open his heart, breathe and free himself from his anxieties. By changing his perspective and looking inside himself, he can find the source of lasting, authentic happiness he has been searching for for so long.


The quest for happiness is something we all seek, but the poem reminds us that the answer lies within ourselves. By changing our perspective and looking inside ourselves, we can find the source of lasting, authentic happiness that we have been searching for for years.

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