How I knew my ex was coming back? My testimony/Story

Have you broken up with your ex, but you can’t move on? Do you feel like this is the person in your life, and that you are made for each other? Do you want to give him a second chance, but you don’t know how? Wondering if your ex feels the same way you do, and if he or she will come back to you?

If you recognize yourself in these questions, then this article is for you. I’m going to tell you my story, and how I knew my ex was coming back. I’m going to explain to you how I listened to my intuition, how I kept in touch with my ex, and how I managed to win him or her back.

ex was coming back: I'm going to tell you my story, how I knew my ex was going to come back and how I listened to my intuition

I will also give you some advice to avoid making the same mistakes as me, and to have a fulfilling relationship with your ex.

Why and how did I listen to my intuition?

“First of all, I want to clarify that I am not in denial or delusion. I know our breakup was painful and that there were valid reasons for him to decide to end our relationship.

I’m not obsessed with him or in need of affection either. I live my life, I go out with my friends, I do activities that I enjoy. I don’t spend my time spying on him on social media or waiting for his call.

We are made for each other

But despite everything, deep down I feel certain that we are made for each other and that we will find each other again.

It’s an intuition, a presentiment, a conviction that never leaves me. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like I have a connection with him, like I know how he feels and what he’s going to do.

It’s like the universe is winking at me to tell me it’s thinking of me

And I’m not the only one who thinks this. Several signs confirm to me that my intuition is correct. For example, I often see his first name or his lucky number in the street, on television or on the internet. It’s like the universe is winking at me to tell me it’s thinking of me.

I also dream about him often, and not sad or distressing dreams, but pleasant and romantic dreams. It’s as if my subconscious is showing me what will happen in reality.

He is not indifferent

And then, there are also more concrete signs. For example, he didn’t cut off all contact with me. He sometimes sends me messages to check on me or to wish me a happy birthday. He is not cold or distant, rather he is kind and caring.

He tells me that he hopes I’m doing well, that he’s proud of me, that he has good memories of us. He sometimes even gives me compliments or ambiguous remarks which make me think that he is not indifferent.

He remained the same man I loved

I also feel that he has not completely turned the page. He has not started his life again with another woman, he has not radically changed his style or behavior. He remained the same man I loved, with his qualities and his faults. He didn’t forget our story, he didn’t erase our photos or our gifts. He still has feelings for me, I’m sure.

How I knew my ex was coming back: my testimony

It all started two years ago. I was in a relationship with Paul, a charming, funny, intelligent, and caring man. We met on a dating site, and we hit it off straight away.

We had the same interests, the same values, the same projects. We were madly in love with each other, and we had a close relationship.

My man has changed

But after six months, everything changed. Paul began to change his behavior. He was distant, cold, irritable. He no longer complimented me, he no longer hugged me, he no longer looked me in the eyes.

He spent less and less time with me, and more and more time with his friends, his work, or his phone. He no longer spoke to me about his feelings or his desires.

I tried to understand what was happening. I tried to talk to him, to ask him what was wrong, to offer solutions. But he closed like an oyster, he told me that everything was fine, that there was no problem. He told me that I was getting ideas, that I was worrying about nothing.

But deep down, I knew something was wrong. I felt like there was a gap growing between us. I felt that he was moving away from me, that he was losing me. I felt like he didn’t love me like he used to.

He left me

And then one day, he told me he wanted to break up. He told me that he was no longer happy with me, that he no longer felt anything for me, that he wanted to be alone. He told me that there was no other woman in his life, that there was no particular reason for his decision, that there was nothing that could be done to make him change of opinion.

I couldn’t accept his breakup

I was in shock. I could not believe it. I couldn’t accept his breakup. I loved him so much! How could he do this to me? How could he leave me overnight? How could he ruin our story?

I cried all the tears in my body. I cried out my pain. I begged Paul to come back. I tried to convince him that we were made for each other, that we could overcome this crisis, that we could find our happiness again.

But nothing worked. Paul remained adamant. He packed his bags and left. He cut off all contact with me. He erased our past.

I was devastated. I felt betrayed, abandoned, rejected. I felt empty, useless, worthless. I felt alone in the world.

Intuition that my ex is going to come back

But despite everything, despite the suffering, despite the despair, despite the silence, I had an intuition. An intuition that Paul was going to return. An intuition that our story was not over. An intuition that our love was stronger than anything.

I don’t know where this intuition came from. Perhaps from my heart, which still beat for him. Perhaps from my soul, which was linked to his. Maybe from my mind, which refused to let him go.

But I knew, deep within me, that Paul was going to come back. I knew he would realize his mistake. I knew he would regret his decision. I knew I would miss him. I knew he still loved me.

And I knew I had to give him time. Time to think, time to find yourself, time to rediscover myself. Time to realize that he needed me, like I needed him.

How I managed to get my ex back ?

But how do I keep in touch with my ex, when he has turned his back on me? How can I show him that I was waiting for him, without putting pressure on him? How can I make him want to come back, without scaring him?

I searched for answers on the internet. I read articles, books, testimonies. I discovered methods, techniques, tips. I learned the principles of radio silence, positive reminder, the game of seduction.

I learned the principles of radio silence

I decided to follow these tips to the letter. I decided to respect radio silence for a month. I decided not to call Paul, not to send him messages, not to write him letters. I decided not to harass him, not to beg him, not to insult him. I decided not to give him any signs of life.

It was not easy. I had to resist the temptation to check on him, to know what he was doing, who he was with. I had to put up with his absence, his indifference, his silence. I had to keep hope, keep faith, keep patience.

I knew radio silence was necessary!

But I knew it was for his good, and mine. I knew that radio silence was necessary to create a void in Paul, to make him aware of my qualities, to make him realize what he was losing by leaving me.

I also knew that radio silence was beneficial for me, to rebuild myself, to revalue myself, to reinvent myself. I knew I had to take advantage of this time to focus on myself, on my needs, on my desires. I knew I had to please myself, do myself good, make myself beautiful.

I changed my lifestyle habits

So I decided to change my look. I cut my hair, I changed my color, I bought clothes that made me look better. I decided to play sports. I started dancing again, I did yoga, I ran in the park. I decided to go out with my friends.

I went to the cinema, to a restaurant, to a club. I decided to open up to other horizons. I read exciting books, I watched inspiring films, I learned a new language.

I did all this for myself, but also for Paul. I wanted to show him that I was a fulfilled, independent, happy woman. I wanted to show him that I had changed, that I had evolved, that I had grown. I wanted to show him that I was attractive, desirable, irresistible. I wanted to show him that I was the ideal woman for him.

I had succeeded in my bet. I had won back the man of my life

And it worked. After a month, Paul sent me a message. He asked me how I was, what I was doing, if I was thinking about him. He told me he realized he still loved me. He admitted to me that he had been stupid to leave me, that he regretted his mistake, that he wanted to see me again. I was thrilled.

I had succeeded in my bet. I had won back the man of my life. I told him that I was happy with his message, that I loved him too, that I wanted to give him a second chance. We made an appointment for the next day. I couldn’t wait to see him again, to hug him, to kiss him. I knew that everything was going to be okay, that we were going to be happy together, that we were going to have a beautiful love story.”

Lynda. R

We thank you, Lynda, for sharing your experience with us and we hope that you and your lover will experience many more beautiful moments together!


The intuition that your ex is going to come back is a feeling that can have several origins. It can be a hope, a presentiment, a projection or a reality. To find out, you have to analyze the signs that your ex is sending you, but also your own emotions and motivations.

If you really want to get back with your ex, you need to adopt the right attitude and avoid mistakes that could compromise your chances. If, on the contrary, you want to turn the page, you must work on your mourning and your personal reconstruction.

Also read: Extraordinary love story: Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron

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