How do you know if your ex come back? how long it will take?

Est-ce que mon ex va revenir ? Au bout de combien de temps ?  Est-ce la fin avec mon ex ? quelles sont les bonnes signe ?

You’ve just gone through a painful breakup, and you’re wondering if your ex still has feelings for you. You would like to win him/her back, but you don’t know how to do it.

Is it really the end with your ex, or is there still hope 💔? How do you know if your ex come back? how long it will take? In this article, we will reveal to you 5 signs that show that your ex has not moved on and may come back, and how to use them to your advantage to rekindle the flame! 🥰

My ex come back!? 5 signs that your ex hasn’t moved on

Sign #1: Your ex keeps in touch with you

 ex keeps in touch with you

If your ex regularly sends you messages or calls, he/she still thinks about you. This is a positive sign, which shows that he/she is not indifferent to what you become. He/she may be looking to hear from you, apologize, make you laugh, or tell you about their problems. Either way, he/she wants to maintain the connection between you.

How to interpret messages or calls from your ex?

👉 To know what your ex really wants, you need to analyze the content and tone of his messages or calls. Is he/she more friendly, affectionate, nostalgic, sad, angry, or ambiguous? Does he/she ask you questions about your love life, or tell you about his/her own? Does he/she tell you that he/she misses you, or that he/she wants to see you again?

How to maintain communication without being too pushy or too distant?

To keep in touch with your ex without rushing or boring him/her, you have to find the right balance between indifference and obsession. You have to show him that you are happy to talk to him, but that you also have your own life. You must respond with kindness and humor, but without being too available or too clingy. You need to ask him/her questions about him/her, but without being too curious or too intrusive. You should pay him compliments, but without being too flattering or too saccharine.

👉 Testimonial – Lydia

“After we broke up, I thought it was the end with my ex. But he continued to send me messages every day, asking me how I was, telling me about his day, or giving me messages. jokes At first, I didn’t know how to react, I didn’t know if he just wanted to stay friends or if he wanted to get back together with me. But I decided to respond to him with kindness and humor, without being too cold. nor too sticky.”

And little by little, we renewed the dialogue, we found the complicity we had before. And one day, he admitted to me that he still loved me, and that he wanted to see me again. I was so happy! We met in a café, and we kissed like the first day. Since then, we’ve been together again, and we’re happier than ever!”

Also read: After breakup, man always comes back! How possible is this?

Sign #2: Your ex is jealous

According to a study conducted by the University of Rochester, jealousy is one of the strongest signs of love. Indeed, researchers have discovered that people who feel jealous towards their ex are those who are most likely to want to get back together with him/her. Jealousy is therefore an indicator of the attachment and attraction that your ex has for you

If your ex is jealous of your new encounters or activities, it’s because he/she still cares about you. This is a positive sign, which shows that he/she cannot stand the idea of ​​seeing you with someone else, or of knowing you are happy without him/her. He/she is afraid of losing you permanently, and he/she wants to keep a place in your heart.

How to recognize the signs of jealousy from your ex?

To know if your ex is jealous, you have to observe his/her behavior when he/she learns something about your life. Is he/she being aggressive, contemptuous, ironic, or hurtful? Is he/she trying to denigrate your new partners or your new projects? Does he/she compare himself to them, or brag about his own successes? Is he/she trying to get your attention by showing up with other people?

How to arouse his/her interest without hurting or pushing him/her away?

To make your ex jealous without making him/her suffer or upset, you need to show him/her that you have evolved since the breakup, and that you are fulfilled in your new life. You need to make him understand that you are an attractive and interesting person, who is successful with the opposite sex. You need to let him know that you have ambitious and exciting projects that make you happy. But you shouldn’t overdo it or lie about your situation. You must remain honest and respectful, and not play with your feelings.

Sign #3: Your ex often talks about you

If your ex often talks about you to his/her friends, family, or colleagues, it’s because he/she still thinks about you. This is another positive sign, which shows that he/she has not forgotten the moments you shared, and that he/she needs to confide in what he/she feels. He/she may be looking to hear from you, to know what is happening with you, or to get closer to you.

How do you know if your ex speaks well or badly of you?

To know if your ex speaks well or badly of you, you have to listen to what he/she says about you, or what the people who heard him/her say about you. Does he/she talk about the good memories you had together, the qualities you have, or the feelings he/she has for you? Does he/she express regret, remorse, or forgiveness? Or does he/she talk about the bad parts of your relationship, the flaws you have, or the reasons for the breakup? Does he/she complain, make fun of, or take revenge on you?

How to surprise and enhance your image and personality to your ex?

enhance your image and personality with your ex to win him back

To promote your image and your personality to your ex, you must show him that you are a positive, mature, and balanced person. You have to make him understand that you have learned the lessons of the breakup, that you have changed what was wrong with you, and that you are ready to start again on a good basis.

You must let him know that you have values, principles, and convictions, which make you a respectable and admirable person. You have to make him see that you have passions, hobbies, and interests, which make you a dynamic and fulfilled person.

Also read: Why do I miss my ex terribly? 4 Expert advice

Sign #4: Your ex compliments you

If your ex compliments you on your looks, your character, your work, or your achievements, it’s because he/she is attracted to you. It’s a sign that he/she appreciates who you are, what you do, and what you have accomplished. He/she may be trying to seduce you, flatter you, or encourage you.

How to react to compliments from your ex?

To respond to compliments from your ex, you need to be grateful and polite, but without being too modest or too arrogant. You must accept the compliment with a smile, without minimizing or contradicting it. You must thank your ex sincerely, without taking him/her for granted or pushing him/her away. You must return the compliment subtly, without being too direct or too vague. 🥰

How to strengthen the attraction and complicity between you?

To strengthen the attraction and complicity between you, you must show him that you are receptive to his compliments, and that you are sensitive to his charm. You have to give him compliments in return, on his physique, on his character, on his character, on his work, or on his achievements. You need to make positive remarks to him, about his humor, his intelligence, or his kindness. You should wink, smile, or make tender gestures that express your interest and affection.

Sign #5: Your ex asks you to see you again

If your ex asks you to meet up again, whether it’s for a drink, to go to the movies, or to do an activity together, it’s because he/she wants to spend time with you. This is a sign that he/she wants to see you, talk to you, and touch you. He/she may be looking to reconnect, rekindle the flame, or relaunch the relationship.

How to prepare for meeting your ex?

To prepare for the meeting with your ex, you must choose a place and a time conducive to relaxation and conviviality. You should avoid places that are too noisy, too crowded, or too full of memories. You should favor neutral, calm and pleasant places. You need to choose a time when you are both available, relaxed, and in a good mood. You should avoid times when you are in a hurry, stressed, or tired.

How to make the meeting a success and relaunch the relationship?

To make the meeting a success and relaunch the relationship, you have to be natural, smiling, and confident. You have to be attentive, curious, and interesting. You have to talk about light, funny, or exciting subjects. You should avoid talking about the breakup, the arguments, or the reproaches. It is necessary to create physical proximity, eye contact, and verbal flirting. You should end the meeting on a positive note, by proposing to meet again soon.

how long does it take for ex to come back?

This is a question that many people ask themselves after a breakup. There are a few factors that can influence how long it takes for an ex to come back to you.

👉 First of all, you have to take into account the reasons for the breakup. If the breakup was over a minor issue, like an argument or misunderstanding, your ex may quickly regret their decision and want to talk to you again. If the breakup was due to a major issue, like infidelity or a deep incompatibility, your ex may need more time to sort out their feelings and whether they can give you a second chance.

👉 Next, you have to take into account your ex’s behavior after the breakup. If your ex contacts you regularly, sends you signs of interest or affection, or shows you that he or she is thinking about you, this is a good sign that he or she has not moved on and that he or she plans to come back to you. If your ex completely ignores you, blocks you on social media, or lets you know that he or she has moved on with someone else, that’s a bad sign that he or she has moved on. your relationship and that he or she will not come back to you.

👉 Finally, you need to take into account your attitude after the breakup. If you stay positive, confident and independent, you increase your chances of getting your ex back. In fact, you show him that you are a fulfilled person, who has value and who does not need him or her to be happy.

If you are negative, desperate and clingy, you decrease your chances of getting your ex back. In fact, you are showing him that you are a depressed person, who has no respect for himself and who depends entirely on him or her to be happy.

There is no study that gives a precise number on how long it takes for an ex to come back to you. However, we can estimate that this time varies between a few days and a few months, depending on the factors mentioned above. The most important thing is not to lose hope and stay true to yourself.

Why do I have a feeling that my ex is going to come back?

Why do I have a feeling that my ex is going to come back?  How long does it take for my ex to come back?

”I have a feeling that my ex is going to come back. I don’t know why, but I feel it deep inside me. Maybe it’s because I still love him, or maybe it’s because I see the signs everywhere. I miss him so much, his smile, his voice, his hugs. I remember all the good times we shared, our laughs, our projects, our dreams. I wonder what he’s doing, if he’s thinking about me, if he regrets our breakup.

I would so much like him to tell me that he still loves me, that he wants to give me a second chance, that he is ready to do anything to make me happy. I’m sure we could be happy together, that we could overcome our differences, that we could rediscover the magic of our love. I keep hope, I believe in us, I believe in my hunch. I know that one day, he will come back to me, and that day, I will be the happiest in the world.” –Natacha

It’s common to have premonitions or intuitions about future events, especially when it comes to our romantic relationships. These hunches can be based on signs, dreams, synchronicities or simply our deep desire. But are they reliable? Can they really predict the return of our ex?

👉 Presentiments are sensations that emanate from our unconscious. They are the result of our subtle perception of reality, our emotions, our memories and our beliefs. They can help guide us in our choices or alert us to potential dangers. However, they are not infallible. They can also be influenced by our fears, our illusions, our fantasies or our expectations.

So, having a feeling that your ex is going to come back is not a guarantee that it will happen. It may be a simple hope, a need for comfort, a projection of our will or a misinterpretation of certain clues. It can also be an accurate intuition, which captures our ex’s real feelings or the changes that are happening in their life.

To know whether our hunch is founded or not, we must confront it with reality. We must observe our ex’s behavior, his words, his gestures, his attitudes. We must also ask ourselves if we are ready to welcome his return, if we have resolved the problems that caused the breakup, if we have evolved and matured since the separation. We must finally trust ourselves and listen to our hearts.

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In conclusion:

You understand, there are signs that show that your ex has not moved on, and that all is not lost between you. If you observe them in your ex, it means that you still have a chance to win him/her back. But to do this, you need to know how to interpret his signals, how to react to his attitudes, and how to make him understand that you are always there for him/her.

A poem for you: ”Is this the end with my ex?”

Is this the end with my ex?
Or is there still hope of rebirth?
How do I know if he still loves me?
Or what if he has closed his heart?

I watch for the signs that betray his feelings
His messages, his calls, his compliments
His jealousy, his confidences, his proposals
His tenderness, his look, his attentions

I tell myself that all is not lost
That there is still a chance to find each other again
I tell myself that I can win him back
If I know how to do it

I am ready to do anything to rekindle the flame
To show him that I am the same
But better, stronger, more beautiful
To prove to him that I am the only one who matters to him/her

Is this the end with my ex?
No, it's the start of a new story
A more beautiful, more intense, truer story
A story that will never end

Nourredine. Poems_Perseverence

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