Philosophical Quotes about Life: Nietzsche # Dostoïevski

Dostoïevski # Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche and Fyodor Dostoyevski are considered two of the greatest thinkers in Western philosophy. Although both have had considerable influence on literature and culture, their worldviews are considerably different.

Philosophical quotes about life: Nietzsche # Dostoyevski: Nietzsche opposes Dostoyevsky on life, death, suffering, marriage, happiness and on hypocrisy.
Nietzsche opposes Dostoyevski with quotes!

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the writer Fyodor Dostoyevski (1821-1881) were contemporaries who both wrote about the nature of truth and morality.

👉 In his book Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche argued that there is no objective reality; rather, we create our own values ​​through our actions. He believed that people should live their lives according to their own desires, not those of society. This idea was later developed by existentialist philosophers such as Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980).

The two philosophers were contemporaries, born a few months apart in

They both lived through the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, which had a profound impact on their lives. Both men were influenced by the ideas of Kant, Hegel and Schopenhauer.

Deep Philosophical Quotes about Life: Nietzsche and Dostoyevski in debate on life, on death, on suffering, on marriage, on happiness and on hypocrisy.

Dostoyevsky # Nietzsche: quotes about man

Dostoïevski said:
I think the best definition of man would be: two-footed and ungrateful creature.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski quotes

Nietzsche responds:
Man is something that must be overcome.
What did you do to overcome it?
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche quotes
Man is a machine
so complicated that sometimes
we don’t understand anything about it, especially
if this man is a woman.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

The true man wants two things:
danger and play.
This is why he wants the woman;
the most dangerous toy.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche

Dostoyevsky – Nietzsche: quotes about life

Dostoyevsky said:
Live any way you want, but live!
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

Nietzsche responds:
Do you want to have an easy life?
Always stay close to the herd,
and forget yourself in him.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche
What is better for us?
Let us know the truth about us
or that people say stupid things about us?
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

The certain prospect of death
could mix a drop with life
delicious and fragrant with carefreeness –
but, you made this drop
a foul poison,
which makes you disgusting
the whole of life!
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche

Dostoyevsky quotes vs Nietzsche quotes on happiness

May everyone have the chance
to find precisely
the concept of life
which allows him to achieve
his maximum happiness.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche
I don’t wish you much
of happiness: you
would bore you. I do not wish you
no misfortune either;
but following the
a popular philosophy,
I repeat just live
more and try not to
don’t bore you too much.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

Chase away boredom at all costs
is vulgar,
like working
without pleasure.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche
This is the misfortune,
because everything is
enigma in this world.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

Dostoyevsky – Nietzsche: quotes on hypocrisy

Even a laugh undoubtedly
intelligent is sometimes repulsive […]
Laughter demands kindness,
and people mostly laugh
time badly […]
To some men
you must not
to give a hand,
but only the paw:
and I want that
your paw also has claws
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

The man suffers so deeply
that he must have invented laughter.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche

Dostoyevsky – Nietzsche: quotes on marriage

Marriage is
a long conversation.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche
Marriage is
moral death
completely independent.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

Marriage is the form
the most liar
sexual relations;
that is why he enjoys the approval
pure consciences.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche
All love thinks of the moment
and eternity, but never duration.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

Dostoyevsky – Nietzsche: quotes on the truth

My friend,
the real truth
is always improbable,
do you know this?
To make the truth plausible,
it is essential
add it with lies.
Fiodor_Dostoïevski citationsDostoïevski

The state is the coldest
cold monsters.
He lies coldly;
and here is the lie
who escapes
from his mouth:
“I, the State, am the people.
Friedrich Nietzsche citationNietzsche

Also read: Hypocrisy Quotes: friends, love [In the head of joker] 🃏

[Video english subtitle] Philosophical quotes about life: Nietzsche and Dostoyevski in a debate on life

Video: Nietzsche responds to Dostoyevsky with opposing quotes.

What does “difference” mean in philosophy?

Deference is the attitude of respect toward people and their opinions that are different from ours. This attitude results in a certain distance from others. There is a big difference between deference and condescension. Deference is not about condescending to someone but rather about recognizing their intrinsic value.

Why do they have two deferential philosophies, Nietzsche and Dostoyevski?

There are several reasons for the differences between the philosophies of Nietzsche and Dostoyevski. First, they came from different cultural backgrounds, which influenced their ideas and perceptions of the world.

Nietzsche was a German philosopher born into a family of Protestant pastors, while Dostoyevski was a Russian writer born into a family of Orthodox rural nobility.

Additionally, they also had different life experiences that helped form their philosophies. Nietzsche suffered from chronic health problems throughout his life and spent many years in solitude, which may have contributed to his individualism and criticism of traditional religion and morality.

Dostoyevski, on the other hand, spent several years in prison and exile, where he encountered violence and human suffering, which may have fueled his interest in the question of guilt and redemption.

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Finally, their philosophies also differ due to their views on human nature and society.

Nietzsche emphasized individuality and freedom, criticizing moral and religious institutions that hinder the expression of the human will to power.

Dostoyevski, in contrast, emphasized community and brotherhood, upholding the importance of human solidarity for moral and spiritual redemption.

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