Love is a universal feeling that has driven human beings since the dawn of time. It is a source of joy, happiness, sharing, but also of suffering, disappointment, rupture.
Sometimes we think we have found true love, the one that fulfills us and makes us happy, but life separates us from it. We then tell ourselves that it’s over, that we’ll never see him again, that we have to turn the page and move on. But is it really possible? Does true love always come back? And if so, why, how, and when?
True love always comes back: why, how, when it is impossible, what to do?

What is true love?
👉 👉 True love is the one that makes us vibrate, that makes us feel alive, that makes us grow and evolve. It is the one that accepts us as we are, that supports us, that respects us, that makes us laugh, that makes us dream. It is the one that makes us better, that inspires us, that makes us see the world differently.
It is the one that we miss when he is not there, that makes our heart beat when he is near, that makes us shiver when he touches us. It is the one that understands us, that listens to us, that consoles us, that comforts us. It is the one that loves us, simply.
Why does true love always come back?
“True love never dies, it always comes back with time.”
– Paulo Coelho
👉 True love always comes back, because it is rare, precious, unique. It is engraved in our memory, in our heart, in our soul. It is part of us, of our history, of our identity. It marks us forever, it transforms us, it enriches us. It is indelible, unalterable, indestructible.
💖 He is stronger than time, than distance, than obstacles, than trials. He is stronger than reason, than logic, than chance, than destiny. He is stronger than anything.
How does true love always come back?
👉 True love always comes back, because it is powerful, magical, mysterious. It has its own laws, its own codes, its own signs. He guides us, attracts us, brings us together. He gives us winks, surprises, gifts.
He makes calls, messages, visits. He gives us coincidences, synchronicities, reunions. He gives us confidences, confessions, declarations. He gestures at us, looks at us, kisses us. He makes us promises, oaths, commitments. He works miracles for us.
👉 True love always returns, because it is patient, persevering, stubborn. He doesn’t give up, he doesn’t give up, he doesn’t give in. He waits, he hopes, he believes. He resists, he struggles, he fights. It adapts, it renews itself, it reinvents itself. He hides, he reveals himself, he reveals himself. He gets hurt, he takes care of himself, he heals himself. It breaks, it repairs itself, it rebuilds itself. He gets lost, he searches for himself, he finds himself.
When does true love return?
“True love is the one that returns after having known life.”
– Jacques Chardonne
👉 True love returns when it is stronger than the obstacles, time and distance that may have separated you. It comes back when you have kept a place in your heart for the other, when you have been able to evolve and reinvent yourself, when you want to share your life with him or her again. It comes back when chance, destiny or providence offers you a new opportunity to find yourself, recognize yourself and love yourself.
There is no universal rule for when true love returns. This could be a few months, a few years, or even a few decades after the breakup. This can be following a significant event, an awareness, a change in situation. This can be through a call, a message, a visit, a chance meeting. It can be unexpected, unpredictable, surprising.
True love comes when it’s ready, when you’re ready, when everything is ready. We must not force it, nor flee from it, nor deny it. You just have to welcome it, grasp it, live it. You just have to be attentive, open, available. You just have to believe, hope, love.
👉 True love is providential, essential. He knows when, he knows how, he knows why. He chooses the right time, the right place, the right person. He follows the right rhythm, the right path, the right direction. He respects good timing, good balance, good harmony. He creates the right context, the right climate, the right atmosphere. It causes the right click, the right momentum, the right reaction. It triggers the right scenario, the right event, the right occasion.
What if true love always comes back?
👉 True love always comes back, but it’s not enough to wait for it, to hope for it, to believe it. You also have to deserve it, prepare it, receive it. We must also recognize it, grasp it, live it. We must also protect it, cultivate it, make it grow. We must also share it, communicate it, make it shine. We must also respect it, value it, make it last.
👉 True love always comes back, but it requires work, effort, commitment. It requires trust, fidelity, loyalty. It requires communication, listening, dialogue. It asks for understanding, tolerance, forgiveness. It requires complicity, tenderness, sensuality. He asks for generosity, benevolence, kindness. It requires sincerity, honesty, authenticity.
👉 True love always comes back, but it is not acquired, it is not guaranteed, it is not obvious. It is fragile, it is precious, it is exceptional. He is beautiful, he is wonderful, he is magical. It’s rare, it’s unique, it’s fantastic. He is everything, he is us, he is you. He is true love. ❤️
Signs of true love
“True love always comes back, because it is stronger than anything.”
– Anonyme
👉 True love is a deep, reciprocal and lasting feeling that unites two people. It manifests itself by different signs, such as:
You feel good with others, you can be yourself, you trust each other and you respect each other.
You support each other, you listen to each other, you understand each other and you comfort each other.
You argue sometimes, but you know how to reconcile, forgive each other and compromise.
You project yourself into the future with each other, you share projects, dreams, values and passions.
You are physically and emotionally attracted to each other, you desire each other, you cuddle and you kiss.
You are happy to see the other happy, you give them surprises, compliments, gifts and attention.
You are faithful, loyal, sincere and honest with each other, you hide nothing from them, you do not lie to them and you do not deceive them.
The difference between real love and simple attraction:
It’s not always easy to tell the difference between real love and simple attraction. Attraction is often based on physical, superficial or ephemeral criteria, while love is a deep, reciprocal and lasting feeling, which is built over time, sharing and respect.
👉 Here are some ideas to help you see things more clearly:
Attraction is often instantaneous, impulsive and irresistible. Love is more gradual, thoughtful and reasonable.
Attraction is fueled by desire, passion and illusion. Love thrives on trust, intimacy and reality.
Attraction can fade quickly in the face of obstacles, differences or conflicts. Love can withstand trials, compromises or arguments.
Attraction makes you think about yourself, your pleasure, your image. Love makes you think of others, of their happiness, of their well-being.
Attraction makes you dependent, possessive, jealous. Love makes you independent, generous, tolerant.
👉 Differences between true love and simple attraction
Criterion | True love | Simple attraction |
Time | Builds up gradually | Born instantly |
Duration | Can last a lifetime | Can fade quickly |
Motivations | Goes beyond the physical, is interested in the personality, values, projects of the other | Based on the physical, image, success of the other |
Feeling | Deep, reciprocal, lasting | Superficial, unilateral, ephemeral |
Desire | Nourished by trust, intimacy, reality | Nourished by passion, illusion, fantasy |
Resistance | Can overcome obstacles, differences, conflicts | Can break down in the face of trials, compromises, disputes |
Interest | Thinks of the other, of his happiness, of his well-being | Thinks of oneself, of one’s pleasure, of one’s image |
Relationship | Independent, generous, tolerant | Dependent, possessive, jealous |
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