Casual relationship: 6 rules to follow to avoid regrets!

Are you looking for a relationship without hassle, without commitment, without feelings? Do you just want to have fun, enjoy life, and share pleasant moments with someone you like?

So, you may be interested in a casual relationship, also called an open relationship or a one-night stand. But be careful, this type of relationship is not as simple as it seems. There are certain rules to follow to avoid misunderstandings, disappointments, or complications.

Casual relationship, open relationship or short-term relationship: rules to follow to avoid misunderstandings, disappointments, or complications.

The rules to know if you want to have a fulfilling and respectful casual relationship.

  1. Be honest from the start. Don’t make the other person think you’re looking for something serious if that’s not the case. Be clear about what you want from this relationship, and make sure the other person is on the same page as you. Don’t play with other people’s feelings or your own.
  2. Don’t get attached. A casual relationship is based on pleasure and lightness, not on love and loyalty. Don’t confuse sex with feelings, and don’t let your emotions take over. If you start to have feelings for the other person, or if you see that the other person has feelings for you, it is better to end the relationship before it is too late.
  3. Do not be jealous. A casual relationship implies that you are not exclusive, and that you can see other people at the same time. Don’t worry about what the other person does when they’re not with you, or who they’re with. Do not ask him for accountability or proof of his attachment. Respect his freedom, and ask him to respect yours.
  4. Protect yourself. A casual relationship carries risks for your sexual health, especially if you have multiple partners. Always use a condom, get tested regularly, and avoid risky practices. Take care of your body, and that of others.
  5. Keep a certain distance. A casual relationship is not a friendly relationship, nor a romantic relationship. Do not mix genders, and do not try to integrate the other into your daily life. Do not introduce your friends or family to him. Don’t send him messages every day or gifts. Don’t make promises or plans to him. Keep a certain distance, and limit your contacts to what is strictly necessary.
  6. Have fun ! A casual relationship is above all a fun relationship, which should bring you pleasure and joy. Don’t worry about problems that aren’t problems, and enjoy every moment spent with each other. Be spontaneous, creative, and generous. Treat yourself.

How to find a person for a casual relationship?

There are several tips for meeting people who are looking for the same thing as you.

  • Use dating apps. It’s the easiest and fastest way to find people who are interested in a casual relationship. Simply create a profile, choose your search criteria, and swipe the profiles you like. You can also indicate in your bio what you are looking for, to avoid misunderstandings. There are apps specifically dedicated to casual relationships, like Tinder, Bumble, or Happn.
  • Visit places conducive to meeting people. If you prefer real contact to virtual, you can also go out to places where you are more likely to meet people open to a casual relationship. For example, bars, nightclubs, festivals, or evenings with friends. Be sociable, smiley, and approach people you are attracted to with confidence and humor.
  • Choose your partner wisely. A casual relationship is not an unimportant relationship. You still have to choose a person who you like physically and mentally, with whom you have feeling and respect. Avoid people who have feelings for you, or who are too clingy. Prefer people who have the same vision as you of the casual relationship, and who are able to live it without worrying.

How to end a casual relationship?

You had good times with this person, but you don’t feel romantic feelings. You want to end your casual relationship, but you don’t know how to go about it.

Here are some tips for doing it gently and without hurting the other person.

  • Be honest. Don’t make him think you want to continue seeing him if that’s not the case. Explain calmly and respectfully that you are not on the same page and would prefer to stop there.
  • Choose the right time. Avoid breaking up via text, phone or email. Prefer to talk to him face to face, in a neutral and discreet place. Also avoid doing it right after sleeping together or before an important event for him.
  • Be clear. Don’t give him hope of resuming your relationship later. Tell him it’s final and you don’t want to stay friends. Don’t give him false excuses, like your job, your family or your ex.
  • Be nice. Don’t criticize him for his behavior, his personality or his appearance. Don’t tell him you found someone else or that you never loved him. Thank him for the good times spent together and wish him good luck for the future.
  • Be firm. Don’t give in to his attempts to hold you back, change your mind, or make you feel guilty. Do not respond to his calls, messages or invitations. Cut off all contact with him and move on.

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