How to make a good and intelligent woman to please a man ?

“It rarely happens that a man tells a woman that she is intelligent. He has many other compliments to give him. So every woman is surprised and flattered to hear it said. Even if she is.”

– René Barjavel

This quote subtly underlines the rarity and value of complimenting female intelligence, often overshadowed by other forms of flattery. It invites us to recognize and appreciate intelligence as a valuable attribute in a woman.

👉 According to a survey, many men want to marry intelligent women. The survey also revealed that the majority of men want to marry special and unique women. This is because smart and special women have an advantage over the rest of the world.

Smart, special and unique women find a way to keep their man interested in them.

How to make a good, intelligent and exceptional woman to please a serious man and keep him?

👉A smart and special woman keeps her man interested in her behavior and personality. She is not afraid to behave boldly to keep her man interested in her. For example, she would encourage her man to do his best at work or school so that he feels good about himself. She would also be friendly to her family and friends so that they would like her as well.

She also constantly reminded him how smart and special he was, which would boost his self-esteem.

A man likes to be around someone who makes him feel good about himself. By behaving this way, she will ensure that he remains interested in her.

Characteristics of a good, intelligent and exceptional woman:

1) She uses her attributes

How to be a good, intelligent and attractive woman?
An intelligent woman: she highlights her physical appearance.

A good intelligent woman should use her attributes to make her man interested in her. For example, she should wear beautiful clothes that showcase her fashion sense.

A smart woman should also enhance her physical appearance with makeup and hairstyle.

She should have a clean and good-smelling house so that he feels comfortable there.

She should also cook delicious meals that showcase her cooking skills.

By using these attributes, she will keep her man interested in her. They say that whoever finds an intelligent and special woman will find peace! 🙏

But, with caution 🤔

👉 She must be careful when dealing with her man’s friends and family, however. Her friends and family may not like her when she flaunts her attributes with them.

In this case, she must be very careful with them while maintaining her normal behavior with her man. She shouldn’t be afraid to defend herself if someone becomes pushy with her; this behavior will only make people know that she also has limits.

By allowing people to push her a little but not too far, she will gain more friends and family who appreciate and respect her for being bold but polite.

Also read: Why are serious women unlucky in love? 5 causes and 17 tips

2) A special woman stands out from the rest of the crowd:

How to make a good, intelligent and exceptional woman to please a serious man and keep him?
A smart woman stands out from the rest of the crowd for being unique.

She stands out from the rest of the crowd because of her intelligence.

She usually has a diploma. Although some people believe that a college degree is essential for an intelligent person, it is not a requirement for some people.

Some people are naturally intelligent without any formal education; others acquire their intelligence through life experiences.

No matter how intelligent a person becomes, the mind of an intelligent person stands out from the rest of the crowd in one way or another through thoughts or ideas expressed through speech or writing.

  • She maintains an aura of normalcy

To keep a man interested in her, she must maintain an aura of normalcy. This means that she must maintain a normal level of behavior so that she does not seem eccentric or alien to others.

👉 To do this, she must deal with other people’s problems – including those of her family members and friends – in a normal way so that they don’t see her as weird or strange for doing so.

An intelligent woman is not afraid to speak her mind, stand up for her ideas and pursue her dreams. She knows she has value and deserves respect and admiration. She does not let herself be influenced by the opinions of others, but she listens and learns from those around her. She is curious, creative and passionate. She loves discovering new things, taking on challenges and having fun. She is unique and authentic, and that is what makes her beautiful.

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3) An intelligent woman is demanding!

👉 The man you love must think that you are a demanding woman, and you really chose him. By doing so, you will show your companion how important you are to him and differentiate him from others. You must therefore be very demanding and not give everything from the start.

It is not always acquired

You know, it’s not easy to seduce a man who has high self-esteem. He believes he deserves the best and won’t settle for less. It’s his way of idealizing him and staying strong. 😎

So, to please him, your goal will be to never put him on a pedestal and instead focus on your personal value. All the exercises should make you aware of your qualities. You have to love and respect yourself before you can get his attention.

You need to make him understand that you are a challenge to take on, not an easy prey to conquer.”

4) A good and intelligent woman respects her man

Like everyone else, a good man is attracted to someone who respects and cares about him. Show him that he is a man of value through great respect.

⚠ Don’t make bad remarks to him in front of his friends.

👉 You absolutely don’t need to change it. “It will not change, it will only evolve.” Respect for others, just like self-respect, must be the cornerstone of your philosophy of life!

She is confident
A good and intelligent woman respects her man
An intelligent and confident woman

Before we continue, it is important to note that the suggestions mentioned below are designed to help you seriously gain your man’s trust. It’s not about using “tricks” to make your crush think you’re trustworthy. To truly work, you must sincerely want your relationship with your man to strengthen on the basis of mutual trust.

Before you can attract a man, you need to develop your confidence. If you’re not happy with who you are, he’ll show you miles.

Serious men prefer women who seem comfortable around them over women who are desperate for someone to fill the void in their lives.

-Being confident shows that you believe in yourself. Confidence is the assurance a person has in themselves. This confidence comes from believing in your strengths and your ability to succeed. As a result, it means that you believe that your strength of character is enough to succeed in any situation. This positive view of his own strength of character can be an encouragement to your man.

Confidence is attractive because it shows a person’s strength of character. A person who is convinced of the courage of his convictions and his positive attitude.

An intelligent person will be able to be engaging and sociable among their peers. He will also be inclined to listen to the advice of others rather than acting as if he is the only expert on the matter. This positive attitude can attract more attention to your man.

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5) An intelligent woman gives her man the benefit of the doubt

This seems counterintuitive. 😧

👉 If I don’t trust someone, why should I give them the benefit of the doubt? Remember, your goal is to build mutual trust with your man.

When you give your partner the benefit of the doubt, they will be encouraged to prove that they are trustworthy. Additionally, it is the first step to fully trusting a person. You give another person the opportunity to trust you and show that you want your relationship to be based on trust.

Men are afraid of beautiful and intelligent women*, true or false?

Men are afraid of beautiful and intelligent women*, true or false?
Some men feel threatened by a special, intelligent woman.

When it comes to attraction, the concepts of intelligence and beauty have often been linked.

For example, people think that being beautiful makes someone smart. Additionally, some people still believe that being intelligent makes someone unattractive. At the same time, others believe that the two traits are mutually exclusive. 😵

That being said, many opinions have been expressed on this subject; and some of these opinions are key to understanding why some men are afraid of beautiful and intelligent women.

_According to the belief that beauty is linked to intelligence, people admire women who are beautiful but not very intelligent. Many men find this combination of traits attractive, which is why they tend to praise women with these qualities.

_Some men feel threatened by exceptional women who do not (too) need them and who do not (totally) obey them; and they tend to like women who are beautiful but submissive and ready to obey them. Strong, independent and outspoken women can be offensive to these men.

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Intelligent women often remain single! True or false ?

There are many factors that can influence the love life of women, whether they are intelligent or not. However, some studies and testimonies suggest that

intelligent women may have more difficulty finding a compatible partner, for several reasons:

  • Intelligent women may have higher relationship standards, and seek a man who is both their equal and their admirer, which reduces the number of potential candidates.
  • Intelligent women may be more dedicated to their careers or passions, and have less time or desire to meet people, or feel disconnected from their social circle.
  • Intelligent women may have difficulty expressing vulnerability or femininity, and making room for seduction and romance in their lives.

There are ways for smart women to find love, such as:

  • Dare to say no to harmful or unsatisfactory relationships, and respect yourself.
  • Develop your emotional intelligence and authentic communication, and agree to show your weaknesses and needs.
  • Reconnect with your femininity and your desire, and open yourself to meeting opportunities, without being discouraged by failures.
  • Seek a balance between your professional life and your personal life, and make room for others in your daily life.

👉 In conclusion, intelligent women are not condemned to singlehood, but they sometimes face specific obstacles or challenges. There is no magic recipe for finding love, but there is always hope for those who seek it.

Who likes intelligent women?

This is a question that can have several answers, depending on one’s point of view. Some would say that men who like intelligent women are those who are confident, who enjoy conversation, challenge and intellectual stimulation. Others will say that men who like intelligent women are those who are afraid of being bored, who seek reassurance about their own worth, or who want to impress others.

There are also those who will say that men who like intelligent women are rare, if any, because most men prefer women who are docile, submissive and simple.

Whatever the answer, it’s clear that female intelligence is a topic that arouses interest, curiosity, and sometimes controversy. Perhaps the real question to ask is: what is female intelligence? Is it an innate or acquired quality? Is it a matter of IQ or soft skills? Is this a strength or a weakness? Is it an asset or an obstacle in your love life?

Feminine intelligence is multiple, complex and nuanced. It manifests itself in different ways depending on contexts, situations and people. It can be a source of pride, pleasure, respect, but also frustration, jealousy, rejection. It can be admired, desired, valued, but also feared, despised, ignored. It can be a means of seducing, of communicating, of creating, but also an obstacle to harmony, emotion, and intimacy.

In short, female intelligence is a mystery that never ceases to fascinate and question. And you what do you think ?

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