Beyond appearances, in the twists and turns of life, There is an enigmatic being hiding, the narcissistic pervert
”Shadow Smiles” is a powerful poem that expresses the complex emotions and feelings of the victim of a narcissistic pervert. It is a cry from the heart of a person who suffered under the influence of a toxic individual, who manipulated and controlled their life, making them feel helpless and weak. 😔
Text of poem for a narcissistic pervert ”Shadow Smiles”
Beyond appearances, in the twists and turns of life, There is an enigmatic being hiding, the narcissistic pervert. A being who deserves revenge, for his evil deeds, But our revenge is silent, like a peaceful breeze. The narcissistic pervert, like a poisonous snake, Spreads chaos and destruction wherever he goes. He feeds on the love and trust of others, And then abandons them, broken, destroyed, without recourse. But life is stronger than the demons that haunt it, She offers us the strength and wisdom to get back up. Our revenge is then a revenge of smiling, Who will burn the heart of the malicious being, without destroying it.. Because revenge should not be an act of violence, But rather an act of redemption, of liberation. You have to know how to forgive, in order to move forward better, And leave the past behind, the better to fly away. Life is an eternal battle, between good and evil, Between love and hatred, between courage and fear. But it's in the darkest, most difficult moments, May we find the strength to get up, to grow, to shine. So never let narcissistic perverts break you, Because you are stronger than their destructive manipulations. Be proud of who you are, of your choices, of your values, And let your revenge be that of a smile, which shines brightly. Nourredine. Poems_Perseverance
Video of poem ”Smiles of Shadow” (ENG subtitle)
Definition narcissistic pervert
👉 A narcissistic pervert is a person who suffers from a narcissistic and perverse personality disorder. It is characterized by an excessive need to be admired, a tendency towards megalomania and ego centrism, a lack of empathy towards others and an incessant quest for recognition.
He uses mental manipulation and moral harassment to exert his control over his victim, whom he gradually devalues and isolates. He never questions himself and pretends to be the victim. He is often an outstanding seducer, who hides his true personality behind a mask of charm and kindness. He is capable of lying without scruple and playing with the feelings of his prey. He does not feel remorse and enjoys his perversity. 😈
👉 Narcissistic perversion can affect both men and women, even if the former are more often diagnosed than the latter. The causes of this disorder are poorly understood, but it seems to be linked to trauma suffered in childhood, which led to a devaluation of oneself and a disconnection from one’s emotions. The narcissistic pervert is difficult to treat, because he does not recognize his pathology and generally refuses any therapeutic help.
👉 Narcissistic perversion is a phenomenon that can have serious consequences on the mental and physical health of the victim, who can develop anxiety, depressive, post-traumatic or somatic disorders. It is therefore important to know how to recognize the signs of a toxic relationship with a narcissistic pervert and to protect yourself from them. To do this, you must avoid being seduced by your speech, keep your critical mind, preserve your self-esteem, maintain your social and family ties, ask for help from professionals or specialized associations and above all not feel guilty. nor feel responsible for the behavior of the manipulator.
How to destabilize a narcissistic pervert in a healthy and positive way
In this poem, the author talks about the importance of freeing yourself from the influence of narcissistic perverts. She emphasizes the importance of finding a healthy and positive way to get revenge on these toxic people. Revenge does not have to be violent or destructive, but rather a realization of our own worth and a release from the suffering they have caused us.
”Shadow Smiles’‘ expresses the deep pain of a person who has been hurt, betrayed and manipulated. The author describes the feelings of fear, anxiety and confusion that often accompany the influence of a narcissistic pervert. She describes how these toxic individuals may appear charming, kind, and seductive, but in reality, they are selfish, manipulative, and cruelly indifferent to the feelings of others.
Destroy a narcissistic pervert with smiles
The poem suggests that revenge must be a positive response to the influence of narcissistic perverts. Rather than letting these toxic people control our lives and keep us in a state of constant suffering, we must free ourselves from their influence and find the inner strength to assert ourselves and take control of our lives. Revenge should be an affirmation of our own worth and our ability to overcome the pain and suffering we have suffered.
Finding inner strength in the face of the narcissistic pervert
👉 The Vengeful Smile is a powerful and emotional poem that reminds us of the importance of finding the inner strength to free ourselves from the influence of narcissistic perverts. It expresses the deep pain and suffering that these toxic individuals can cause, but it also offers a message of hope and resilience. This poem is a poignant testimony to the strength of human will and the ability of each person to overcome the difficulties and trials of life.
Poem explanation
“Beyond appearances, in the twists and turns of life, hides an enigmatic being: the narcissistic pervert” evokes the suffering caused by a toxic individual who manipulates and controls others. It highlights the importance of positive revenge and liberation from the control of narcissistic perverts.
The narcissistic pervert, a venomous and destructive being
The first verse of the poem evokes the narcissistic pervert as an enigmatic being who deserves revenge. The author describes this character as a venomous snake who sows chaos and destruction wherever he goes. He thrives on the love and trust of others, but then leaves them broken, devastated and helpless.
The silent revenge of the victim
The second verse explains that the victim’s revenge should not be violent, but rather silent and peaceful like a breeze. Vengeance must be an act of redemption and liberation rather than an act of violence.
Forgiveness and acceptance to move forward better
The third verse highlights the importance of forgiveness and acceptance in moving forward in life. Life is an eternal battle between good and evil, love and hatred, courage and fear. You have to know how to forgive in order to move forward better and leave the past behind in order to move forward better.
The strength of the victim in the face of the influence of narcissistic perverts
The last verse highlights the strength of the victim in the face of the influence of narcissistic perverts. The destructive manipulations of these individuals should not break the victim, but rather make them stronger. The victim must be proud of their choices, their values and let their revenge be that of a smile that shines brightly.
Conclusion :
In short, the poem ”Smiles of Shadow” recalls the importance of positive revenge and liberation from the influence of narcissistic perverts. Life is an eternal struggle, but it is in the most difficult moments that we find the strength to get up, grow and shine.
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