Stay strong in difficult times: 38 [Quotes Reasons Messages]

Life is not always easy. Sometimes we go through events that put us to the test, whether it’s an illness, a breakup, a bereavement, a failure or an existential crisis.

👉 How to face these situations without losing hope or self-confidence? How to stay strong in difficult times? What are the messages of comfort to receive or send to a friend, a relative, a colleague,… in difficult times

10 Quotes and reasons that can help you stay strong in difficult times, overcome obstacles and put a smile back on your face.

38 reasons, quotes and messages that can help you stay strong in difficult times, overcome obstacles and put a smile back on your face.

1. I am not alone.

“Friendship doubles the joys and halves the sorrows.”

– Francis Bacon

Even if I feel isolated or misunderstood, I know that there are always people who love me and are ready to support me. Whether it’s my family, my friends, my colleagues or even strangers on the internet, I can count on them to listen to me, advise me and comfort me. I don’t hesitate to talk to them about what I’m going through and ask them for help if needed.

👉 “when I lost my job due to the health crisis, I was able to count on the support of my loved ones who helped me regain self-confidence and look for new opportunities. My sister took me in at home for a few weeks, my brother lent me money to pay my bills, my mother cooked me comfort food and my father helped me redo my CV. My friends also encouraged me to. applying for jobs, going through interviews and staying hopeful.” Lucas

2. I have potential.

– Winston Churchill

I don’t let circumstances make me doubt my worth or my abilities. I have qualities, talents, passions and dreams that make me a unique and valuable person. I also have inner resources, such as willpower, courage, creativity and humor, which allow me to face difficulties and bounce back. I remember everything I have accomplished so far and everything I can still achieve.

👉 -“When I failed my university entrance exam, I didn’t give up and decided to try my luck again the following year by working even harder. I took courses individuals, I did additional exercises, I revised seriously and I took mock exams. Thanks to my efforts, I managed to obtain a sufficient grade to enter the university of my choice.” _ Nord

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3. I can learn from my trials.

Difficult times are also opportunities to learn and grow. They make me discover aspects of myself that I perhaps didn’t know, like my strength, my resilience or my sensitivity. They also make me aware of what really matters to me, such as my values, my needs or my aspirations. They invite me to question my beliefs, habits or choices and adjust them if necessary.

💔 “When I was cheated on by my ex, I learned to know myself better and what I wanted in a romantic relationship. I realized that I deserved more respect, loyalty and honesty . I understood that I had to be more attentive to the signs of infidelity, more communicative about my expectations and more selective about my potential partners. _Nadine

4. I can change my outlook on things.

How I perceive events impacts my state of mind and my ability to cope with them. Instead of seeing problems as threats or failures, I try to see them as challenges or opportunities. Instead of focusing on the negative or the past, I try to focus on the positive or the present. Instead of complaining or lamenting, I try to thank or smile.

👉 “I had a car accident which left me immobile for several weeks, I saw it as an opportunity to rest, to read books that I didn’t have time to read before and to enjoy the little everyday things I thanked fate that I had no serious injuries, I smiled at the nurses who took care of me, I read exciting novels and I enjoyed the sunshine that came in. by the window.” Christopher

5. I can act on what depends on me.

There are things I cannot control, such as external events, the reactions of others or chance. But there are also things I can control, like my thoughts, my emotions or my actions. Instead of passively enduring situations, I take the reins of my life and do what I can to make things better. I set realistic and motivating goals, develop an action plan and implement it.

👉 “I had financial problems due to poor budget management, I decided to review my expenses, look for additional sources of income and put money aside for unforeseen events. J I made a table with my income and expenses, I eliminated unnecessary purchases, I sold items I no longer used and I opened a savings account. Anonymous

6. I can take care of myself.

Indian proverb

Difficult times are taxing on my body and my mind. It is therefore important that I take care of my physical and mental health. I eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and avoid harmful substances like alcohol or tobacco. I also practice activities that make me feel good, such as meditation, relaxation, reading or music.

👉 “I was stressed by my work, I decided to do yoga every morning, eat more fruits and vegetables and go to bed earlier. I took online classes with a qualified teacher, I bought an organic basket from a local producer and established an evening routine with a relaxing Mani herbal tea. Lia

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7. I can express my emotions.

Difficult times often bring up intense emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear or guilt. It is normal and healthy for me to feel these emotions, but I must not repress them or let them take over. Rather, I must express them in a constructive and appropriate way. For example, I can write in a diary, draw, cry or scream.

😢 “I lost a loved one, I wrote a letter to tell him everything I felt, I drew a portrait of him to pay tribute to him, I cried in the arms of a friend to free myself from my pain and I screamed into a cushion to release my anger. Luc

8. I can search for meaning.

Difficult times can sometimes call into question the meaning of my life or my existence. I can ask myself why I am experiencing this, what purpose it serves or what it means. There is no universal answer to these questions, but I can try to find my own meaning, the one that corresponds to me and inspires me. For example, I can refer to my spiritual convictions, my personal values ​​or my life mission.

9. I can draw inspiration from examples.

I am not the first nor the last to go through difficult times. Many people have experienced situations similar or worse than mine and managed to overcome them. I can draw inspiration from their journey, their testimony or their wisdom. Whether they are famous people, loved ones or anonymous people, I can learn from their experience and life lesson.

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10. I can keep hope.

Difficult times don’t last forever. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if I don’t see it yet. I remain confident in the future and in my possibilities. I know that everything can change, that everything can get better, that everything can improve. I also know that I am not alone, that I have potential, that I can learn, that I can change, that I can act, that I can take care of myself, that I can express my emotions, that I can search for meaning and that I can draw inspiration from examples.

Read also : Perseverance Face of Difficult Times +Quotes Verses Messages

28 messages of comfort in difficult times

If you are going through a difficult time or know someone who is:

Messages of comfort:

  1. I am a great person, I never forget that.
  2. I have the right to be sad, but I don’t lose hope.
  3. I’m stronger than I think, I’ll get through this.
  4. I am not responsible for what happens to me, I do not blame myself.
  5. I deserve to be happy, I don’t let circumstances discourage me.
  6. I have already overcome so many challenges, I can be proud of myself.
  7. I still have so many beautiful things to experience, I’m not giving up.
  8. I have the power to change things, I won’t let it get me down.
  9. I am capable of achieving my dreams, I do not give up on my projects. – I am here for you, you can count on me.

Messages of comfort to send to a friend, a loved one, a colleague, etc.

  1. You are a wonderful person, never forget that.
  2. You have the right to be sad, but don’t lose hope.
  3. You are stronger than you think, you will get through this.
  4. You are not responsible for what happens to you, don’t blame yourself.
  5. You have all my support and all my sympathy.
  6. You deserve to be happy, don’t let circumstances discourage you.
  7. You have already overcome so many challenges, you can be proud of yourself.
  8. You don’t have to face this alone, I’m with you.
  9. You still have so many beautiful things to experience, don’t give up.
  10. You are a source of inspiration for me, you have all my admiration.
  11. You have the power to change things, don’t let it get you down.
  12. You have a place in my heart, you mean a lot to me.
  13. You are capable of making your dreams come true, don’t give up on your plans.
  14. You are very valuable, don’t devalue yourself.
  15. You have many qualities, don’t compare yourself to others.
  16. You have the right to make mistakes, don’t judge yourself too harshly.
  17. You need time to heal, don’t rush too much.
  18. You have resources to get through this, don’t neglect them.
  19. You are surrounded by love, don’t feel alone.

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