My ex is unhappy in his new relationship! 17 signs

You broke up with your ex some time ago, but you can’t move on. You wonder if he’s happy with his new partner, or if he regrets leaving you. How do you know if your ex is unhappy in their new relationship? Here are 17 signs that may alert you.

Your ex is unhappy and regrets leaving you. Here are 17 signs.

My ex is unhappy and can't move on

“You are only really cured of a woman when you are no longer even curious to know who she is forgetting you with.  »


👉 12 visible signs and meanings

1. He is nostalgic for you.

If your ex sends you messages, calls you, or writes to you on social networks, it is because he has not mourned your relationship. He seeks to keep in touch with you, to know what you are doing, and to make you understand that he is thinking of you. He’s not fully invested in his new relationship, and he may be feeling guilty or nostalgic.

2. He compares you to his new partner.

If your ex tells you that he has not found the complicity, passion, or trust with his new partner that he had with you, it is because he is not satisfied with his new relationship. He idealizes you, and he realizes that he lost something precious by leaving you.

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3. He compliments you.

If your ex compliments you on your looks, your personality, or your successes, it’s because he still admires you. He finds you more beautiful, more intelligent, or more fulfilled than his new partner, and he tries to seduce you again.

4. He asks you for help.

If your ex asks you for help with personal, professional, or family problems, it’s because he doesn’t trust his new partner. He feels more comfortable with you, and he hopes that you will support him, advise him, or comfort him.

5.He talks to you about his relationship problems.

If your ex confides in you about his difficulties with his new partner, it is because he is not happy in his new relationship. He shows you that he has not found happiness with her, and that he needs your listening, your understanding, or your opinion.

Also read: Why do I miss my ex terribly? 4 Expert advice

6. He invites you out.

If your ex asks you to meet up, have a drink, or do an activity together, it’s because he wants to spend time with you. He seeks to reconnect with you, to make you laugh, or to remind you of the good times you shared.

7. He still gives you gifts.

If your ex gives you flowers, chocolates, or jewelry, it’s because he wants to please you. He wants to impress you, thank you, or win you back.

8. He confesses his feelings to you.

If your ex tells you that he still loves you, that he misses you, or that he wants you back, he is unhappy in his new relationship. He realizes that he made a mistake by leaving you, and he wants to give you a second chance.

9. He makes you jealous scenes.

If your ex criticizes you for seeing other people, going out, or having fun, he is jealous. He doesn’t accept that you have rebuilt your life, and he wants to keep you for himself.

10. He tells you he is unhappy.

If your ex admits to you that he is unhappy in his new relationship, he is sincere. He hasn’t found what he was looking for with his new partner, and he suffers from the situation.

11. He spies on you on social networks.

If your ex often consults your profile, your photos, or your stories, it is because he is curious to know what you do, and he is not indifferent to your life. He may be comparing himself to your new partner, or trying to get your attention.

Also read: My ex has contradictory behavior after breakup

12. He starts drinking too much

If your ex starts drinking too much, it may be a sign that he is unhappy in his new relationship. Indeed, alcohol can be a way to escape from problems, to comfort yourself, or to give yourself courage.

👉 5 discreet and contradictory signs

1. He blames you for the breakup.

If your ex accuses you of being responsible for the breakup, reproaches you, or makes you feel guilty, it is because he has not accepted the separation. He is angry with you for leaving him, or for not trying to get him back.

2. He tells you about his happiness.

If your ex tells you that he is very happy with his new partner, that he has everything he wants, or that he has never been better, it is because he is trying to convince himself – yourself, or make you jealous. He wants to show you that he has succeeded in forgetting you, but it is often the opposite.

3. He tells you he is confused.

If your ex admits to you that he’s lost, that he doesn’t know what he wants, or that he still has feelings for you, it’s because he’s unhappy in his new relationship. He is torn between his desire to stay with his new partner, and his attraction to you.

Also read: how to win back your ex: 4 effective letter models!

4. He avoids you.

If your ex avoids you, changes streets when he sees you, or doesn’t respond to your messages, it’s because he’s uncomfortable with you. He’s afraid of breaking down.

5. “He enjoys life”, but he does not share his moments of happiness with his new partner.

Also read: My ex doesn’t care about me! Signs, solutions and revenge

Conclusion :

If you recognize these signs in your ex, he is unhappy in his new relationship. But that doesn’t mean you have to take it again. You need to ask yourself if you still have feelings for him, if you are ready to forgive him, and if you think your relationship can work again.

If you have doubts, it is better to remain friends, and let your ex resolve his relationship problems with his new partner.

Also read: Why is my ex hiding his new relationship from me? 8 Reasons

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