Saving your relationship: Perseverance in 7 practices!

Life as a couple is not a long, quiet river. It is strewn with pitfalls, conflicts, changes and crises. How do you make love last despite everything? How to keep the flame and the complicity with your partner?

The answer is in one word: perseverance. In this article, we will explain to you why perseverance is the key to saving your relationship. We will also give you practical advice for developing this quality and implementing it on a daily basis. Ready to take the challenge ? So, follow the guide!

Saving your relationship: Perseverance in 7 practices: life as a couple is not a long, quiet river. It is strewn with pitfalls, conflicts, changes and crises. How do you make love last despite everything?  How to keep the flame and the complicity with your partner?

Perseverance in the relationship is essential!

The therapist Amélie Roussel

👉 Persistence is a key element in maintaining a healthy relationship and family life. It means being able to overcome the obstacles and challenges that stand in your way, and continuing to move forward together despite the difficulties. It also means being patient and understanding with others, and being willing to compromise when necessary.

It is important to communicate effectively with your family members, share your thoughts and feelings, and resolve conflicts constructively. It is also important to take care of yourself and your needs, and not neglect your own well-being.

👉Perseverance also involves being willing to learn and grow together, change and adapt to changes that occur in life and make difficult decisions, but it also allows your relationship and family to become stronger and more united.

👉 Perseverance demonstrates gratitude and appreciation for other members of your family. By having an attitude of perseverance, you will be able to build a strong and lasting relationship and family.

How do you get to the end of this course without ever getting discouraged by the difficulty? How to keep faith in your relationship through trials? By seeing far, by keeping in mind what is behind this ordeal.

Why is perseverance important in married life?

“it is by accepting moments of doubt and crisis that we can overcome them and strengthen our relationship in the long term.”

The psychologist Alexis Dupont

Perseverance is the ability to maintain a constant and lasting effort to achieve a goal or overcome a difficulty. It is a virtue that involves willpower, patience, resilience and optimism. Perseverance is important in married life because it allows you to:

  • Dealing with problems and obstacles that arise in the relationship
  • Stay focused on common values ​​and projects
  • Strengthen the emotional bond and mutual trust
  • Learn and grow together
  • Adapt to each person’s changes and developments
  • Express gratitude and appreciation for others

Perseverance is therefore an essential factor in saving your relationship and making it last over time.

Save your relationship through perseverance in 7 practices, even if everything seems lost:

It sometimes happens that the couple’s relationship goes through a difficult period, or even a major crisis. Arguments multiply, communication deteriorates, boredom sets in, infidelity appears… We then feel helpless, sad, angry or resigned. We wonder if we still love our partner, if we are made for each other, if we still want to continue… In short, we have the impression that everything is lost.

However, we must not give up. It is possible to save your relationship when everything seems lost, provided you:

1) Recognize that there is a problem and that it needs to be solved

The crucial first step is to recognize that there is a problem in your relationship and it needs to be resolved. As psychologist Émilie Durand points out, “accepting that there are difficulties is the first step towards resolving them. It is by having the courage to face that we can find solutions.

2) Agree to take the first step and open a dialogue with your partner

“it is by showing ourselves vulnerable and reaching out to others that we can create the conditions for a constructive exchange.”

Couples therapist Sylvie Bertrand

Once the problem has been identified, it is essential to agree to take the first step and open a dialogue with your partner.

3) Listen carefully to each other’s needs, expectations and feelings

Healthy communication involves carefully listening to your partner’s needs, expectations and feelings.

4) Express your own needs, expectations and feelings with respect and sincerity

Conversely, it is equally important to express your own needs, expectations and feelings with respect and sincerity.

5) Seek concrete and achievable solutions together

Once the exchanges are open, it is a matter of looking together for concrete and achievable solutions to resolve the problems.

6) Commit to implementing these solutions and respecting the commitments made

The crucial step is then to commit to implementing these solutions and respecting the commitments made.

7) Get help from a professional if necessary (couples therapist, marriage counselor, etc.)

Finally, do not hesitate to seek help from a professional (couples therapist, marriage counselor, etc.) if you feel the need. As psychologist Alexis Dupont explains, “the outside perspective of an expert can prove valuable in identifying areas for improvement and implementing effective strategies.”

Saving your relationship when all seems lost requires courage, humility and determination. But it is also an opportunity to reconnect with your partner, to rediscover what unites you, to rekindle passion and to start again on more solid foundations.

Also read: Unhappy couple: 6 Signs and 5 Solutions!

How do you know if you can still save your relationship?

Encouraging signs to save your relationship:

Willingness to communicate and resolve problems

If you and your partner are still able to communicate openly about your problems and look for solutions together, that’s a good sign. This shows that you are both committed to resolving difficulties.

Ability to make concessions and compromises

When you can make reasonable concessions and find mutually satisfying compromises, it’s proof that you are ready to work on your relationship.

Desire to preserve your connection

If you and your partner still express the desire to save your marriage and maintain your relationship, this is a very positive sign. This means that you have not lost hope.

Moments of complicity and intimacy

If you can still share moments of tenderness, connection and intimacy, that’s encouraging. This shows that the emotional bond is still present.

Ability to seek outside help

Being willing to see a professional (couples therapist, marriage counselor, etc.) indicates that you really want to find solutions to save your relationship.

More worrying signs

Conversely, certain behaviors can be red flags:

  • Total absence of communication or dialogue of the deaf
  • Categorical refusal to make efforts or seek compromises
  • Feeling of no longer having anything in common
  • Infidelity, betrayal or lack of trust
  • Total disinterest in the relationship and shared moments

If these signs are present, it may indicate that the relationship is in very bad shape and that it will be more difficult to save it. But as long as the will to act together is present, hope remains.

The main thing is to remain attentive to the dynamics of your relationship and act quickly if you notice encouraging signs. With perseverance and joint work, it is often still possible to breathe new life into your relationship.

Should you fight to save your relationship?

Fighting to save your relationship is a personal decision that depends on several factors:

  • The level of love and attachment one feels for their partner
  • The level of satisfaction and fulfillment one gets from the relationship
  • The level of compatibility and harmony we share with our partner
  • The level of investment and involvement we put into the relationship
  • The level of trust and respect one has for their partner

👉 Fighting to save your relationship only makes sense if:

  • We still love our partner and we want to stay with them
  • We still believe in the relationship and its potential
  • We are ready to make efforts and concessions to improve the situation
  • We are willing to listen and understand our partner
  • We are able to forgive and forgive ourselves

Fighting to save your relationship is therefore a question of choice and motivation. You have to ask yourself the right questions and be honest with yourself and your partner. You must also be aware of the consequences of your decision, whether positive or negative.

8 mistakes to avoid to save your relationship ⚠

To save your relationship, it is not enough to want to do it. You also need to know how to do it. There are indeed common mistakes that can make the situation worse instead of better:

  • Denying or minimizing the problem: this is denial or evasion. This prevents us from becoming aware of reality and looking for solutions.
  • Accusing or criticizing your partner: this shows aggression or contempt. This causes conflict and hurt.
  • Complaining or victimizing oneself: is showing passivity or resignation. This creates a negative and demotivating climate.
  • To be withdrawn or silent: it is to show indifference or rejection. This cuts off communication and exchange.
  • Lying or hiding the truth: this is dishonesty or manipulation. This destroys trust and respect.
  • Comparing or envying others: this shows dissatisfaction or jealousy. This lowers self-esteem and that of your partner.
  • Ruminating or dwelling on the past: it shows obsession or resentment. This prevents us from moving forward and turning the page.
  • Threatening or ultimatum: is blackmail or pressure. This creates stress and fear.

To avoid these errors, you must adopt a positive, constructive and caring attitude towards your partner. You also have to question yourself and accept your mistakes.

Also read: Happy couple: 7 Phases, 15 Basics and 20 Habits!

Question yourself to save your relationship

Mistakes to avoid to save your relationship
Happy family

Questioning yourself is an essential step to saving your relationship. This means recognizing your mistakes, weaknesses and limitations. It also means identifying your needs, expectations and desires. Questioning yourself allows you to:

  • Take a step back and analyze the situation
  • Understand the causes and consequences of the problem
  • Change what needs to be changed
  • Improve what can be improved
  • Develop your qualities and skills
  • Renew your interest and motivation

Questioning yourself is not easy. This requires courage, humility and open-mindedness. It also takes time, effort and support. But it is a beneficial process for yourself and your relationship.

Saving your relationship: psychoanalysts‘ point of view 👩‍🔬

Recognize your own weaknesses

According to psychoanalysts, the first step to saving your relationship is to recognize your own weaknesses and gray areas. As psychoanalyst Sylvie Bérard explains, “it is by becoming aware of our unconscious relational patterns that we can better understand the dynamics of our relationship and work to improve them.”

Accept each other’s differences

Psychoanalysts also emphasize the importance of accepting other people’s differences. As psychoanalyst Éric D points out, “it is by welcoming the singularity of our partner that we can enrich our relationship and make it evolve positively.”

Let go of unrealistic expectations

According to psychoanalyst Isabelle Roux, it is also crucial to mourn the unrealistic expectations that one may have towards their partner. “it is by renouncing the desire to shape others in our image that we can open ourselves to true intimacy.”

Engage in work on yourself

Finally, psychoanalysts recommend working on yourself to better understand your own relational dynamics.

By adopting this psychoanalytic perspective, you will give your couple every chance of getting through the challenges thanks to a better understanding of yourself and your partner.

Also read: Carl Jung Archetypes : « Who Am I, Who’s My Partner? »

True commitment isn’t just about exchanging rings

In order for a relationship to last over time, it is important that there is a commitment. This means an agreement of complicity, honesty, respect and cooperation in constant evolution. From this point of view, commitment contributes to the well-being of the couple, including when difficulties arise.

If commitment is based solely on expectations or controlling the other, the relationship will not work. On the other hand, if we understand it as a mutual agreement, with a vision of the future, respect, good communication and loyalty, this will contribute in a positive way to the emotional bond.

👉 As we mentioned before, true commitment is not limited to the exchange of rings – or wedding rings – and a beautiful wedding. We should also not consider it as the sum of the sacrifices that each person makes, so that the relationship “works”.

How to overcome life challenges as a couple and family?

Overcoming life challenges in marriage and family to keep your relationship
Sad couple

“it is by keeping in mind the value and deep meaning of one’s relationship that one can go through trials with serenity and determination.”

Sylvie Bérard

Maintain an optimistic outlook

When the couple is going through difficult times, it is essential to keep an optimistic outlook and not get discouraged.

Remembering past happy times

To nourish this optimism, it can be beneficial to remember the happy moments experienced together in the past.

Have a long-term vision of your relationship

Rather than focusing only on the present difficulty, it is important to have a long-term vision of your relationship.

Identify the hidden meaning of the challenges encountered

Finally, try to detect the hidden meaning behind the challenges encountered. According to family therapist Éric Dupont, “these difficult moments can represent opportunities to grow together, to strengthen communication and intimacy if we know how to approach them wisely.”

By adopting this optimistic long-term vision, remembering your past happy moments and seeking the hidden meaning of trials, you will give your couple the means to overcome obstacles with perseverance and emerge strengthened from these experiences. This will allow your faith in your relationship to deepen and flourish.

👉 All in all, we can say that a crisis is sometimes an integral part of the life of any couple, and uncomfortable moments require a lot of patience and perseverance… even if we are separated, at least it is guaranteed consciously and responsible for continuity, if necessary, of the parental “team” work necessary for the well-being of the child.

Also read: Bad luck in love: 10 Reasons and 10 Solutions!


Saving your relationship through perseverance is possible if you really want it. Perseverance is a quality that allows you to overcome difficulties and crises that can affect the relationship.

It also helps strengthen the emotional bond and complicity with your partner. To persevere in life as a couple, we must communicate, listen to each other, understand each other, respect each other, support each other, trust each other, forgive each other, surprise each other, have fun…

We must also avoid mistakes that can harm the relationship. relationship and question yourself to improve. Saving your relationship through perseverance is a challenge worth taking. It is a path of fullness and freedom. It is a proof of love and gratitude. It is a source of happiness and fulfillment.

And you, are you ready to persevere in your life as a couple? What are the difficulties you encounter? What solutions have you found? Share your experience and tips with us in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and loved ones who need a helping hand to save their relationship. Thanks for reading me !

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I wrote an Ebook (FR) on the suffering linked to romantic breakups: 
“I can’t forget my ex!”
  Heal through tears or eyes

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