Open relationship (casual dating) # Stable relationships

“Casual dating”, or casual encounters, are booming. According to a study published by a dating site, 8 out of 10 people practice or have practiced casual sex!

This trend can be explained in particular by the freedom of choice that these sites offer. No more constraints linked to physical encounters: we can decide on our desires, our partner, who we want to be with… or not to be.

Casual dating open relationship:  future relationship of couples.
Is a casual relationship a threat to couple relationships and ordinary family life?

But this freedom comes at a price: the risk of emotional injury. Indeed, it is easier to detach yourself from a partner with whom you do not have an emotional connection. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to suffer after a casual relationship. 💔

What is a casual dating, open relationship, free and no-commitment relationship?

An open relationship is a romantic or sexual relationship in which there is no monogamy, possessiveness or jealousy. People in open relationships are free to date other people, make plans without the other person’s consent, and lead their lives on their own.

Open relationships are often based on respect, open communication and honesty. People in open relationships are generally aware that their relationship is non-traditional and are prepared to deal with the difficulties that may arise.

👉 Open relationships aren’t for everyone, and some people prefer traditional monogamous relationships.

However, for people who are compatible with this type of relationship, the benefits can be numerous. Open relationships can make people feel freer and less stuck, focus better on themselves, and develop a better relationship with their partner.

Today, it is common to meet couples who have chosen to live an open relationship. This means that they are not committed to each other and may have relationships with other people.

There are several reasons why open relationships are popular. People are becoming more open to the idea of ​​having sex without being monogamous. This may be due to a better understanding of sexuality, social changes and access to better contraception.

Open relationships can be a way to better manage the different sexual desires that people have. They can allow people to know themselves better and better understand what they really want. Open relationships can also be a way to reduce stress and better manage conflicts.

Are relationships casual dating becoming the norm? The end of stable relationships?

Casual open relationship: the advantages and disadvantages
What is the future of stable couple relationships?

Does this mean that stable relationships are disappearing?

Not necessarily ! Stable couples still exist, but they are increasingly rare, particularly among young adults (18/25 years old). There are two main reasons for this.

👉First of all, people are more and more independent. They no longer need a partner to be happy. They can live alone and thrive.

Additionally, stable couples tend to have children later. People actually need more time to stabilize professionally and financially before starting a family.

stable relationships still exist, but they are seriously threatened by informal relationships.

In modern relationships, it is increasingly common to see couples form a relationship in a free and casual manner. This is partly due to the freedom we now have to choose who we want to be and who we want to be with, but also due to the increasing pressure we are under to succeed professionally.

Are stable relationships under threat?

With the constant pressure to succeed, people have less and less time and energy to invest in a stable relationship. They often prefer to spend time with friends or casual partners because it seems easier and more rewarding in the short term.

👉 Thanks to the technological tools of our modern world, stable relationships threaten to weaken in favor of casual relationships.

What is the future of couples’ relationships?

It is difficult to predict what couple relationships will be like in the future, but it seems that stable, monogamous relationships will be less and less common, especially in developed countries. People may prefer to spend time with multiple partners and invest less energy in a single relationship.

Free or stable relationships: what to choose and why?

1) The first thing to do is to think about what you want to do:

If you want a stable relationship, then one strategy might be to start by finding a partner you want to stay with, and then see if it’s possible to build a lasting relationship and make couple plans.

Otherwise, if you want an open relationship, you can start by looking for a partner and finding out what you like about them.

2) Next, it is important to determine what your selection criteria are:

If you want to establish a more serious relationship, then it is important to determine what your selection criteria are. If your goal is to find a partner with the same interests as you, then a first step is to find out what you like and figure out who you want to share it with.

If your goal is more to find a partner who will be good company and who will share your special moments, then you can try doing activities that are common to you.

3) It is important to determine your “budget”:

Do you want to invest a lot of your time and energy into finding your partner, or do you just want to establish a free and quick relationship?

If you want to build a stable relationship, it is important to know that it is necessary to invest time and resources. Then you can start looking for a partner.

On the other hand, open relationships do not require large investments.

4) It is also important to decide what you want to achieve through your relationship:

Do you want to have a sexual relationship, an emotional relationship, or a full relationship?

If you want a sexual relationship, then it is important to decide whether you want to put conditions on your relationship, such as duration or criteria.

If you don’t want to have sex, then it’s important to determine whether you just want an emotional relationship or a full one.

5) It is also important to decide what you are going to do if things go wrong:

Anticipate the end of the relationship

Do you want to continue seeing your partner, or do you want them to leave? If you want him to leave, then it’s important to determine what you want to do: are you going to force him to leave, or are you going to give him a choice?

Can casual relationships last?

Open relationships can last if both parties agree to the terms of the arrangement and commit to communicating openly and honestly with each other. However, it is important to note that open relationships are not for everyone and that some people need a more monogamous and exclusive relationship to be happy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open relationship?

The benefits of an open relationship can include the freedom to see other people, not having to commit to an exclusive relationship, and not having to worry about hurting someone’s feelings.

Disadvantages of an open relationship can include lack of communication, lack of compromise, lack of stability, and risk of emotional injury.

Can we go from an open relationship to a stable relationship?

Moving from an open relationship to a stable relationship is not always easy. The two types of relationships have different goals and expectations. Open relationships are generally more open and flexible, which can make it difficult to transition into a more stable relationship.

Stable relationships, on the other hand, are generally more committed and less flexible. This can mean that people have difficulty adapting to the changes or compromises necessary to make a stable relationship workable.

Some tips that can help move from an open relationship to a stable relationship.

First of all, it is important to be honest with yourself and with the other person. Both parties should be aware of the expectations and goals of the relationship.

Next, you need to communicate openly and frequently. Both parties should be comfortable sharing their feelings and expressing what they want from the relationship.

Finally, it is important to be patient and take the time to adapt to new expectations and a new way of relating.


Open and casual relationships are becoming more common because they allow people to enjoy the freedom and flexibility that this type of relationship offers.

However, our way of life is changing radically, only the future will tell us: what will be the consequences of free relationships for our universal civilization?🤔

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Healing Through Tears – or – Healing Through Eyes

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