Narcissistic woman: profile, behavior, tests and how to act?

Definition: Narcissistic woman

Narcissistic perversion is a personality disorder characterized by mental manipulation and psychological control over a victim. In a relationship, the narcissistic woman can be manipulative, dominant, jealous, possessive and contemptuous. She may also have a tendency to devalue her partner, to make him feel guilty, to control him and to isolate him. She can also be unfaithful, lying and disrespectful.

👉 This disorder can affect both men and women, but it is often more difficult to spot female narcissistic perverts. They know how to use their charm, their seduction and their image to deceive those around them and satisfy their selfish needs. What is the profile of a narcissistic perverse woman? How to recognize it and protect yourself from it? This article gives you some keys to understanding this little-known and devastating phenomenon.

The profile of the narcissist woman:

Perverted narcissistic woman: the signs, the profit and how to break away from her!

👉 The profile of a narcissistic perverse woman is that of a woman who has a vulnerable narcissistic personality disorder. She manipulates others through indirect aggression, criticism, devaluation, jealousy, or unclear communication.

She is self-centered, obsessed with recognition and admiration, and uses her attractive appearance as a tool. She uses men in her relationship as objects or weapons, without satisfying them.

Behavior of a narcissistic perverse woman in a relationship:

  • She seduces her partner with her charm, kindness and apparent generosity. She makes him believe that she loves him and that she is the ideal woman for him.
  • She begins to criticize him, to devalue him, to make him feel guilty, to belittle him. She blames him for his faults, his mistakes, his choices. It makes him doubt himself, his abilities, his value.
  • She isolates him from his friends, his family, his colleagues. She forbids him from seeing certain people, she makes jealous scenes at him, she lies to him about her activities. She cuts him off from his social and emotional network.
  • She manipulates him through emotional blackmail, threats, verbal or physical violence. She makes him promises that she doesn’t keep, she gives him poisoned gifts, she imposes her wishes on him. She controls him in all areas of his life.
  • She often changes her behavior and speech depending on the situations and people. She appears charming and pleasant in public, but tyrannical and contemptuous in private. She denies or minimizes her actions and words. She poses as a victim and accuses her partner of being responsible for everything.

A narcissistic woman is dangerous because she:

  • Destroys the victim’s confidence, esteem and self-respect. It makes her feel worthless, unworthy, guilty, ashamed. It deprives her of her identity and her autonomy.
  • Harms the physical and mental health of its victim. It causes stress, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, appetite problems, weight problems. It can also cause chronic illnesses or suicidal thoughts.
  • Prevents his victim from living a normal and fulfilling life. It isolates him from those close to him, from his activities, from his projects. It deprives her of her happiness, her freedom, her rights.
  • Endangers the safety of his victim. She can resort to physical violence, threats, harassment, defamation. She may also seek to harm her reputation, her career, her property.

👉 They can cause irreparable damage financially, morally, physically and psychologically and most dangerous, they can kill their partners without hesitation. They are often difficult to unmask because they know how to pass themselves off as victims or blameless people.

How to detect a narcissistic woman in a relationship?

A narcissistic perverse woman is a person who manipulates her partner to dominate and destroy him psychologically. She appears charming and caring at the beginning of the relationship, but gradually becomes authoritarian, contemptuous and cruel. She has no empathy for her victim and never questions herself. Here are some signs that may alert you:

  • She only talks about herself and doesn’t listen to your needs or desires;
  • She compliments you then devalues ​​you for no reason;
  • She lies to you, cheats on you or hides things from you;
  • She believes herself superior to others and cannot stand criticism;
  • It isolates you from your family and friends;
  • It makes you feel guilty and responsible for everything;
  • She confuses you with her emotions and desires;
  • She shows you jealous scenes or accuses you of cheating on her;
  • She threatens or blackmails you.

Narcissistic woman: test

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without having accomplished anything related)
Is absorbed by fantasies of unlimited success, power, splendor, beauty or ideal love
Believes to be “special” and unique and can only be admitted or understood by special, high-level institutions or people
Demands excessive admiration
Has a sense of entitlement (expects without reason to receive particularly favorable treatment or that others will automatically conform to one’s expectations)
Exploits others (uses others to achieve one’s own ends)
Lack of empathy (unwilling to acknowledge or share the feelings and needs of others)
Often envy others or believe others envy them
Demonstrates arrogant and haughty attitudes and behaviors
Table legend: The criteria are taken from the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. You must check the box that corresponds to the frequency with which your partner presents the criterion. If you check “often” or “sometimes” for at least five criteria, your partner may have narcissistic personality disorder.

How a narcissistic woman acts in a relationship:

👉 She constantly criticizes her partner about his appearance, his work, his friends, his family, his tastes, etc. She constantly criticizes him and belittles him in front of others. She makes him believe that he is worthless, that he doesn’t deserve her love and that he will never find anyone else.

She isolates him from those around him and makes him dependent on her. She makes him promises that she doesn’t keep and promises him a better future that never comes. She changes her mood for no reason and blames him for her problems.

👉 She threatens to leave him or hurt him if he doesn’t do what she wants. She makes him suffer humiliation, insults, fits of jealousy, emotional or sexual blackmail. She denies or minimizes his abusive behavior and makes him doubt his reality and his mental health.

How to act when faced with a narcissistic woman?

To act against a narcissistic perverse woman, you must:

  • Become aware of the situation and the violence suffered. Do not allow yourself to be blamed, nor minimize, nor deny the facts.
  • Confide in people you trust who can provide support, comfort and advice. Do not remain isolated or withdraw into yourself.
  • Consult a mental health professional who can help understand the mechanism of control and restore self-esteem. Follow appropriate therapy to free yourself from the trauma and rebuild yourself.
  • Find out about the rights and possible remedies in the event of domestic, family or professional violence. File a complaint if necessary and seek legal protection.
  • Break off all contact with the narcissistic perverse woman and avoid any form of communication with her. Cut ties definitively and do not give in to attempts at manipulation or seduction.
  • Rebuild your personal and social life by being supported by associations, support groups or activities. Reconnect with your desires, your projects, your passions. Have fun and open up to others.

Leave, leave without asking any questions! And doesn’t answer any questions!!! And above all, don’t seek revenge.

Why does a narcissistic woman often accuse her partner of being a narcissistic pervert?

  • Clear yourself of your own actions and words. She projects onto the other what she herself does or thinks. She denies or minimizes her responsibility and guilt.
  • Destabilize and make your partner feel guilty. It makes him doubt himself, his perception, his mental health. She makes him feel guilty, ashamed, unworthy. It deprives him of his identity and his autonomy.
  • Pretending to be a victim and attracting compassion. She seeks to be pitied and supported by those around her. She manipulates public opinion by presenting herself as an irreproachable and mistreated person.
  • Control and dominate your companion. She keeps him under her influence and prevents him from reacting or defending himself. She makes him dependent on her and isolates him from others. It deprives him of his freedom and his rights.

To protect yourself from a narcissistic perverse woman who accuses her partner of being a narcissistic pervert, you must:

👉 Don’t play his game and don’t let yourself be influenced by his accusations. Maintain confidence in yourself and your reality. Do not question yourself or blame yourself.

Read also: Enjoying life means living without regrets! 8 Expert Tips


Female narcissistic perversion is a real and destructive phenomenon that affects many victims. These are women who have narcissistic personality disorder and who use their charm, manipulation and violence to satisfy their selfish and destructive needs. They have no empathy, remorse or guilt for their victims.

👉 They are dangerous because they can cause irreparable financial, moral, physical and psychological damage. They are often difficult to unmask because they know how to pass themselves off as victims or blameless people.

When faced with a narcissistic perverse woman, it is important to know how to recognize it and protect yourself from it to preserve your health and dignity. You must become aware of the situation and the violence suffered, confide in people you trust, consult a mental health professional, find out about the rights and possible remedies, break all contact with the narcissistic woman and rebuild your relationship personal and social life.

👉 Female narcissistic perversion is an unspeakable evil that must be denounced and fought. We must not remain alone or remain silent in the face of this scourge. We must dare to speak, testify, ask for help. We must remember that we are not guilty, nor responsible, nor unworthy. We must remember that we have the right to be happy, free and respected.

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