My ex is in a relationship! True hope was born [5 reasons]

You have just learned that your ex has started his life again and he/she is in a relationship with someone else. How do you feel ? Happy for him/her? Sad ? Angry ? Jealous?


👉 We’ll show you why it’s better to see the glass half full and how this news can help you turn the page.

“My ex is in a relationship, I’m suffering” 😢

“My ex is in a relationship, I’m suffering”
by Marc Levy

It is completely natural to feel a pang in the heart, sadness, anger or even hatred towards your ex or his new partner. This means that you still have feelings for him/her or that you have not moved on from your relationship.

👉 These emotions are human and legitimate, but they should not stop you from moving forward.

My ex is in a relationship, why am I suffering? Testimonials :

💔 Julie, 28, broke up with her ex six months ago. She thought she had moved on, but when she learned that he was in a relationship with another girl, she felt immense sadness. “I felt abandoned, rejected, replaced. I told myself that he had never loved me and that he had made fun of me. I cried for days and I couldn’t bring myself to concentrate on my work or my hobbies.”

💔 Thomas, 32, who left his ex a year ago. He was convinced he had made the right decision, but when he saw on social networks that she was in a relationship with another man, he felt very angry. “I felt betrayed, humiliated, jealous. I told myself that she had cheated on me or that she had forgotten me too quickly. I wanted to call her to tell her all the bad things I thought of her and her new boyfriend.”

👉 These testimonies show that negative emotions regarding the announcement of your ex’s new relationship are normal and understandable. They are a reflection of the emotional bond that united you with your ex and the shock you feel seeing him/her move on. They are also a sign that you still have wounds to heal and lessons to learn from your past relationship.

You understand, it is normal to feel negative emotions when faced with the news of your ex’s new relationship. But that shouldn’t stop you from seeing the positive side of the situation. Indeed, knowing that your ex is in a relationship can be an opportunity for you to turn the page and rebuild yourself. This is what we will explain to you in the second part of this article.

Also read: how to win back your ex: 4 effective letter models!

“My ex is in a relationship” Why is this good news? 🙂

My ex is in a relationship: it's an opportunity to turn the page
Paulo Coelho 

As you have seen, learning that your ex is in a relationship is not necessarily bad news. On the contrary, it can be an opportunity to take stock of your past relationship and focus on your personal happiness. But how can we actually take advantage of this news and turn the page?

1. An opportunity for you to take stock of your love life

Knowing that your ex is in a relationship can be an opportunity for you to take stock of your love life and focus on yourself. Indeed, it can help you become aware of what you want and what you no longer want in a relationship. It can also encourage you to question yourself and work on your weak points or blockages. Finally, it can make you want to take care of yourself, treat yourself and flourish in all areas of your life.

👉 “I didn’t need my ex to be happy.”

Laura, 25, took advantage of knowing that her ex was in a relationship to embark on a project that was close to her heart: going on a humanitarian trip.

“I told myself that it was now or never to make my dream come true. I signed up for an association that organizes volunteer missions abroad. It allowed me to take my mind off things, to discover a new culture, meeting great people and feeling useful. I realized that I had a lot to give to the world and that I didn’t need my ex to be happy.

👉 “I didn’t have to feel inferior to my ex or her new guy.

Maxime, 30 years old, who took advantage of this new information to get back into shape and get a makeover. “I told myself it was time to take care of myself and do myself some good. I joined the gym, I changed my haircut, I bought new clothes. It did me good mentally and physically. I regained my self-confidence and I attracted more attention. I understood that I could please other women and that I didn’t have to. feeling inferior to my ex or her new guy.”

These testimonies show that knowing that your ex is in a relationship can be a driving force to focus on yourself and improve yourself. It can also be a way to free yourself from the past and move forward.

Also read: PMA: the power Positive thinking and Self-confidence

2.Motivate you to meet new people

Knowing that your ex is in a relationship can also motivate you to meet new people and open yourself to new experiences. Indeed, it can help you get out of your comfort zone and broaden your horizons. It can also allow you to discover other facets of your personality and other forms of love. This can give you the chance to find someone who is a better match for you and who makes you happier.

I didn’t have to limit myself to my ex.”

👉 Léa, 27, took advantage of knowing that her ex was in a relationship to register on a dating site.

“I told myself that it was time to try something new and have fun. I created a profile on a site that offers meetings by affinity. It allowed me to chat with men who share my interests, my values, my desires. I met several interesting people and I even fell in love with one of them. I realized that I still had a lot. to live and love and that I didn’t have to limit myself to my ex.”

“I didn’t have to close myself off from my ex.”

Cédric, 29 years old, who took advantage of knowing that his ex was in a relationship to launch into an activity that fascinated him: theater.

“I signed up for a theater class which offers workshops on improvisation, body expression and directing. It allowed me to surpass myself, to make friends, to have fun. I even met a girl who is part of the troupe and with whom I had a good feeling. I understood that I still had a lot to learn and share and that I did not have to close myself off from my ex. “

These testimonies also show that knowing that your ex is in a relationship can be a source of inspiration to meet new people and have new experiences. It can also be an opportunity to rediscover yourself and find a new balance.

3. Allow yourself to take a step back from your old relationship

“Pain is the crucible that makes us reborn to ourselves.”

Khalil Gibran

This “bad” allows you to take a step back from your old relationship and realize that you deserve better or that you were not made for each other. Indeed, this can help you analyze the reasons for your breakup and the mistakes you may have made. It can also lead you to compare your ex and his/her new partner and see their flaws or incompatibilities. Finally, it can make you realize that your ex was not the ideal person for you and that he/she did not really make you happy.

👉 “I didn’t have to miss this man.”

Sarah, 26 years old, “I told myself that it was the time to learn the lessons from our breakup and avoid repeating the same patterns. I realized that our relationship was toxic and that we were making each other more bad than good. He was jealous, possessive, manipulative. He belittled me, cheated on me, lied to me. I understood that I didn’t have to regret this man and that I had to respect myself more.

This news can also be a way to take a step back from your old relationship and free yourself from your illusions or regrets. It can also be a step toward acceptance and forgiveness.

4. False hope is dead, true hope is born

👉False hope is dead.

You no longer have to torture yourself by imagining that your ex will come back to you. You can turn the page and move forward with your life.

👉True hope is born.

You can now open yourself up to new encounters and new opportunities. You are no longer a prisoner of waiting, but free to build your future.

👉 You can grow and learn.

This breakup made you suffer, but it also made you grow. You can learn from this experience and become a better version of yourself.

5. Free yourself from all responsibility for the breakup

You no longer have to wonder if you made the right choice, if you could have done something to get him or her back, if you missed your chance. You can accept that it’s over and it’s not your fault. You don’t have to feel guilty or question yourself.

👉Second, knowing that your ex is in a relationship protects you from any risk of regrets in the future. You no longer have to hope that he or she will come back to you, to cling to illusions, to hurt yourself by imagining improbable scenarios.

You may realize that your ex has moved on and that you need to do the same.

Also read: Why is your ex watching you? keys to decoding your behavior


Learning that your ex is in a relationship isn’t necessarily bad news. On the contrary, it can be an opportunity to take stock of your past relationship and focus on your personal happiness. To do this, it is important to respect your ex’s choice, not to harass him or her or to compare him or her to his or her new partner.

It is also essential to take care of yourself, surround yourself with loved ones and friends, and engage in activities that you enjoy. This way, you can turn the page and find love again.

And don’t forget: is your ex in a relationship? Good for him/her… and for you!

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