3 beautiful love stories: impossible, lost and eternal

beautiful love stories, true, famous and intense
Three historical love stories!

In this article, we share three beautiful love stories, true and famous, each with their own message and meaning.

Love is a universal theme that affects us all. Whether it’s a lost love, an eternal love or an impossible love, we can all identify with a love story.

Three beautiful true, historical and famous love stories:

1) Statue of Love in the Slovakia capital Bratislava, True love story: lost love, the promise that ended a man’s dreams!

histoire d'amour

”This statue located in the Slovak capital “Bratislava” is a memorial to a cleaner who loved a girl and left her because he talked to her about his job! And she didn’t have the courage to tell him about it.

A girl promised to have coffee with him and she broke her promise, and he kept waiting for her!

Every day, at the same time and in the same place! His friends who heard the news sympathized with him and sat down with him for coffee and comfort each other!!

After his death; This statue was erected for him and a cafe was built next to him so that people could come and have coffee with him and show him their love and sympathy!!

Note the bright color of his hat because people greet him by wiping it.”

2) The moving love story: eternal love. Emperor Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal for his beloved wife

The moving love story of Emperor Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal for his wife.
The Taj Mahal: true love!

Shah Jahan takes his wife to the battlefield. She gives him advice and de-stresses him… they have 14 children. During the last birth: the queen dies. On his deathbed, he allows her to build a mausoleum the size of their love.

Discover this beautiful and moving love story in this video:

The Taj Mahal: discover this beautiful and moving love story in this video:

3) Impossible love story: Héloïse and Abelard

Impossible love story: Héloïse and Abelard
A cursed couple!

_Héloïse letter-poem to Abelard:

O my dear and fatal!  … Abailard… I adore you!
This letter, these features, so familiar to me,
I kiss them a hundred times, I read them a hundred times.
With her loving mouth Héloïse presses them;
Abailard! Dear lover! But what is my weakness?
What name, in my retirement, did I dare to pronounce?
My hand writes it! ... well, my tears will erase it!
Terrible God, forgive, Héloïse sighs.
To the dearest of spouses you forbid him to write,
Héloïse subscribes to your cruel orders…
What did I say ? My heart dictates… and my pen obeys.


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Love stories always begin with:

1) An exchange of messages

A love story that begins with an exchange of messages is undoubtedly the most classic. It can happen between two friends, or a couple of lovers who are distant from each other. However, this narration allows each person to reveal their feelings to the other, without too much stress.

2) The first date turns into an adventure

A love story that begins with an encounter outside the silence of the office is also familiar. A date that begins auspiciously can lead to a breathtaking adventure.

3) A night of ecstasy coupled with surprise

The secret to the success of a love story that begins a night of ecstasy coupled with surprise is not to be satisfied with a single moment of fulfillment. For lovers, this means exchanging, expressing their feelings and arousing strong emotions towards each other.

4) Dialogue gradually rises above the situation

A love story that begins the dialogue gradually rises above the situation. The lovers explore aspects of their relationship together and discover new things about each other.

5) Gifts are a beautiful demonstration of love

The gift is undoubtedly one of the most expressive expressions of love. Lovers can choose gifts that resonate with their hearts, such as a precious keepsake or an object that symbolizes how they feel about each other.

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Different types of love told through stories

An impossible love

This story is about a man who fell in love with a woman he can’t have. He sees her every day, but can never talk to her. He eventually realizes that it’s better not to know her, because he could never be with her. This story shows us that sometimes it’s better not to know what you might have, because it might be more painful than not having it at all.

Lost love

This story is about a young girl who was in a relationship with a boy she really liked. They broke up and she was broken. She then met a new boy, but couldn’t forget her first love. This story shows us that sometimes it is impossible to forget a first love.

Everlasting love

This story is about a couple who stayed together for many years. They had their ups and downs, but were always there for each other. This story shows us that true love can last a lifetime.

Also discover: Extraordinary love story: Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron

How to make a love story last a lifetime?

Love is a feeling that is constantly evolving. Romantic relationships can last a lifetime, but they change over time. Both people in a relationship must be willing to adapt and change with their partner.

Love is not static, but rather dynamic.

Nourredine. Perseverance

Couples that last tend to be flexible and accepting of each other’s differences. They are also open to communication and have a strong foundation of trust.

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