Why is my ex hiding his new relationship from me? 8 Reasons

“The golden rule of conduct is mutual tolerance, because we will never all think the same way, we will only see part of the truth and from different angles.” 


A question that many people ask themselves: “Why is my ex hiding his new relationship from me 🤔?  » There are several possible reasons why your ex might want to hide their new relationship from you. Maybe he doesn’t want you to be unhappy, or maybe he’s afraid of your reaction.

Maybe your ex is worried that you won’t agree with their new relationship and will try to destroy it. Maybe he thinks you might try to get revenge by doing something bad to his new partner. Either way, there’s definitely a reason why your ex doesn’t want you to know that he’s “happy” with someone else.

my ex is hiding his new romantic relationship from me
What could be the reason for this desire not to tell me?
Is it because of the fear of hurting myself?
Or is it because he is still upset and doesn’t want to put me in danger by telling me about this relationship?
Maybe he still has feelings for me?

8 reasons why an ex hides their new relationship?

There are many reasons why your ex might be hiding their new relationship from you:

  • He is aware that you are still attached to him and he does not want to hurt you by showing you that he is happy without you.
  • He’s worried that you’re trying to sabotage his new relationship.
  • It’s possible that your ex is just embarrassed about their new relationship and doesn’t want you to know.
  • He’s not yet ready to face the questions you might ask him about his new relationship.
  • He doesn’t want to reconcile with you.
  • He’s afraid that you wouldn’t let him see his children if you knew he was in a relationship with someone else.
  • He still has feelings for you and he doesn’t want to close the door to a possible reconciliation.

Regardless, it’s important to respect the fact that your ex has chosen to hide their new relationship from you. If you try to force your ex to show you their new relationship, you only risk hurting your relationship further and making you angry. Instead, try to respect your ex’s decision and wait for him to say so in the future.

He/she may talk to you about it when he/she feels comfortable doing so. If this really concerns you, you might consider talking to your ex and expressing your concerns in a respectful and open manner.

How do I find out the truth about what my ex is hiding?

“It is rarely the answers that provide the truth, but the sequence of questions.” 

Daniel Pennac

To discover the truth, it is important to keep in mind the main points that I will mention below. It’s good to start asking questions to find out what scares you the most.

For example, if my ex is lying to me about why he is in a relationship with someone else, I will probably feel uncomfortable and it may take me a while to figure out the truth.

How can I avoid hurting myself?

One of the best ways to avoid hurting myself is to not let me know directly what is happening. If my ex tells me that he is in a relationship with another person, it will definitely make me angry.

Therefore, it is important not to try to find out what is happening as a protective measure. I just have to assume he’ll keep me out of what’s going on at the moment.

What should I do if I find out my ex is in a relationship?

If I find out that my ex is in a relationship, I must undoubtedly be very unhappy. It will probably hurt me to see my ex take another partner and it would probably hurt me to know that I don’t know about it despite our mutual friendship.

_ It is likely that he is not ready to face you. He may be afraid of your reaction or he may not want to hurt you.

_ If you have separated for good, but you still keep in touch with your ex, it is important to respect their space and not push them to reveal anything to you.

_ If you have any doubts about the nature of their new relationship, it may be best to ask him directly.

_ Be patient and understanding with yourself:

The healing process takes time. Be forgiving and compassionate towards yourself. Over time, the pain will subside and you will be able to move on.

How can I maintain a minimum relationship with my ex?

If I want to maintain a minimum relationship with my ex, I must try to reconcile him with my friendly feelings. Sometimes this can be very difficult, because my ex will probably feel romantic rejection, so you have to do it in a smart way. But I have to try to put myself in his shoes and see what he really feels. I must also try not to get involved in these new relationships and not to get involved in the exchanges.

An ex’s behavior and how to react to it?

Here is a table that might help you understand some behaviors your ex might exhibit and how to react to them:

Ex’s behaviorWhat to do in response
Ignore messages or callsRespect your ex’s space and don’t text or call repeatedly. Wait until he/she is ready to communicate.
Avoid interactionsDon’t force interactions with your ex. If you bump into each other, be polite, but don’t insist on talking if your ex isn’t interested.
Being distantDon’t force conversations. Don’t expect deep conversations if your ex isn’t comfortable.
Be cordial but distantBe respectful of your ex’s emotional space, remain cordial if you interact.
Being aggressive or hostileStay calm and avoid confrontation if your ex is aggressive or hostile. If necessary, remove yourself from the situation and avoid further interaction if possible.
Be nostalgicBe grateful for your ex’s nostalgia, but don’t let it make you hope for a return to the relationship. Be clear about your feelings and intentions.
Be attentiveIf your ex listens to your needs or concerns, respect your ex’s needs and boundaries as well.
Be understandingIf your ex is understanding of your feelings or the difficulty of the breakup, be grateful for that understanding. Also respect your ex’s feelings.
Ex’s Behavior: This column describes the different behaviors your ex may exhibit after the breakup.
What to do in response: This column describes how you can respond to each behavior of your ex. Suggestions are for guidance only, as each situation is unique and you will need to adjust your response to suit your own situation.

Is hiding your new relationship from your ex common?

Showing your ex that you are happy after a breakup is a sign of narcissistic perversion.
Making your ex regret it is a sign that you still have feelings for them.

Hiding a new relationship from an ex is common, especially if it happens right after a breakup. In most cases, it is best to hide the new relationship in order to maintain a healthy friendship and avoid conflicts with the former partner.

After all, being happy with another partner after a breakup is a sign of narcissistic perversion.

What consequences could it have for me if my ex hides his new relationship from me?

If your ex is hiding their new relationship from you, it may also indicate that he or she is still attached and still has feelings for you. This could also be a sign that he still has hope that his old relationship isn’t over. If you have feelings for your ex, this can motivate you to get them back.

Perseverance R.N

Essentially, both parties are protecting each other after suffering emotional injury inflicted by their now former love!’

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Hello, My name is Noureddine, I am the author, I created this blog to share my knowledge, my ideas and the ideas of others with you.
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I wrote an Ebook in French on the suffering linked to romantic breakups:
“I can’t forget my ex”       
    Heal through tears or eyes

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